
2015/12/23 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  經常使用短語: a shoulder to cry on, an easy-going person, ask for help, be an understanding

  person, be friendly with, be on intimate terms with sb., be well-acquainted with,

  broad-minded, cheer sb. up, for the sake of friendship, have a bosom friend, have a large

  circle of acquaintances, help sb. out, keep friendly relations, keep/lose contact with, make

  friends with, reach an understanding, seek common ground while reserving differences, t

  urn to one’s friend when in difficulty, understand each other, warm-hearted, etc.

  經常使用辭匯: acquaintance, affectionate, amicable, caring, considerate, emotional,

  enthusiastic, expressive, favorite, frank, friendly, generous, gentle, helpful, honest,

  humorous, ideal, intimate, kind, patient, reunion, sociable, sympathetic, talkative,

  thoughtful, trustworthy, etc.


  1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  2. What does friendship mean to you?

  3. What kind of people do you make friend with?

  4. Why do you think friendship important to you?

  5. What is the basis of friendship?

  6. There is the difference between friendship and love.

  7. Are you very good at keeping in touch with friends?

  8. I like to make friends with people who are …

  9. What do you have in common with your friends?

  10. How well do you communicate with your friends?

  2. 實例:


  What do you think a true friend should be? How important do you think is friendship to your life?

  You may begin to prepare your response after the beep.

  [2 seconds beep]

  Preparation time: 15 seconds

  Response time: 45 seconds


  Please begin speaking after the beep.

  [2 seconds beep]

  Suggested Answer:

  As the saying goes “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”, which is partly true, but a real friend should also be able to share your happy moments --- without feeling jealous. A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, and don’t feel hurt if a friend doesn’t feel like seeing you. Of course, honesty is an essential part of any relationship. We should learn to accept our friends for what they are. Anyway, I consider friendship to be one of the most important things in life.



  1. essential adj. 實質的,本質的

  2. forgive v. 諒解,寬恕

  3. jealous adj. 嫉妒的,妒忌的

  4. mood n 心境,情感


  考生直言不諱地談了他對“友誼”的懂得,常言道:“ A friend in need is a friend indeed.”磨難同夥才是真實的同夥。固然,這在必定意義上是對的,副詞“partly” 的應用為下一步的陳說埋下了伏筆,考生瓜熟蒂落地從分歧角度說明他對“友情”的意見。真實的同夥會與你分享快活時間,而沒有任何妒忌。真實的友情象征著你能容忍和諒解同夥的毛病,懂得對方的情感;假如你的同夥不太想見你,你也不會覺得受了損害 (A good friendship is one where you accept and forgive faults, understand moods, and don’t feel hurt if a friend doesn’t feel like seeing you)




  美國ETS toefl考官課程

  2015 toefl成就早曉得!
