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  雷同點一:尺度英語書面語/根本語法點 Standard English Conventions


  When any one of these changes(1) occur, it is likely the result of careful analysis are conducted by transportation planners.


  B) occur, they

  C) occurs, they are

  D) occurs, it is

  這道題選取的C,考核的便是主謂同等和代詞的指代。而這個常識點在新老SAT中都是會重點考核的。然則值得存眷的是,改造後SAT相對於弱化了純真語法部門的考核。在官方出具的改造文件中,語法部門,也便是Standard English Conventions這一部門在改造後占領比重為45%,即44道題中有20道會考核基本語法常識點。而在現行SAT測驗中,險些90%的標題都是考核的語法常識點。以是比重這一點在新老SAT中照樣有較大差其余。


  As the dancers step to the music, they (8)were also stepping in time to a sound that embodies (9)their unique history and suggests the influence of outside cultures on their music.


  G. are also stepping

  H. have also stepped

  J. will also step

  9. A. NO CHANG

  B. they’re

  C. it’s

  D. its’


  雷同點二:標點標記Conventions of Punctuation

  標點標記在現行SAT語法測驗中占比相對於較少,通常為會聯合Run-on Sentence/Comma splice考核。然則在SAT改造文件中,官方明白誇大要考標點標記,這一點與ACT文章改錯請求沒有太大差異。咱們可以拿兩道例題來比擬一下:

  新SAT官方樣題Sample Writing and Language Set I

  [5] The name Kingman was selected for its two (2) parts,“king” and “man”; Cantonese for “scenery” and “composition. ”


  B) parts: “king” and “man”

  C) parts “king” and “man”;

  D) parts; “king” and “man”

  ACT Prep Guide

  Around this time the polka music and button accordion played by German immigrant rail-Road (14)workers; left their mark on waila.

  14. F. NO CHANGE

  G. workers

  H. workers;

  J. workers,


  雷同點三:文章構造/邏輯幹系 Organization/ Introductions, conclusions, and transitions

  文章構造在改造後SAT中占領必定比重,而這一考點與ACT也是同等的。值得存眷的是,在現行SAT測驗中的Improving Paragraph 文章改良題中也有響應的考點,平日請求考生在某一個句子的開首插入一個單詞大概詞組,而考生須要存眷左右兩段大概兩句的邏輯幹系。咱們拿三道題來比擬一下。

  新SAT官方樣題Sample Writing and Language Set II

  (4)Next, representatives from the local public health department might provide input in designing a network of trails and sidewalks to encourage people to walk more.


  B) For instance,

  C) Furthermore,

  D) Similarly,

  ACT Prep Guide

  Today, after many birthdays and New Year’s Days, I now find meaningful the difference I once found confusing. (21)Otherwise, this difference points to significant underlying cultural values.

  21. A. NO CHANGE

  B. Though,

  C. In fact,

  D. Then,

  現行SAT 08年1月真題Improving Paragraph部門

  (5) And yet, even if one does not always accomplish what he or she sets out to do, one gains new knowledge from the attempt.

  32. In context, which of the following is the best replacement for “And yet” in sentence 5?

  (A) Nevertheless

  (B) In other words

  (C) However

  (D) In contrast

  (E) Supposedly



  與托福瀏覽辭匯題相似,改造後SAT文章改錯與ACT文章改錯部門都邑考核單詞用詞是不是適當。在改造後SAT測驗中,現行SAT中的填空題被撤消,相對於弱化了純真辭匯的考核,然則這並不料味著辭匯在改造後SAT中完整不會湧現。SAT官樸直式改造文件關於文章改錯部門的測驗規模的Effective Language use中提到了 The student will revise text as needed to improve the exactness or content appropriateness of word choice,門生須要依據需求修正文章用詞,改良單詞的精確性和適合性。而在ACT文章改錯題中,這類題型也占領必定比重。試比擬如下兩道題:

  改造後SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 1

  [7] Kingman, however, (4)vacated from that tradition in a number of ways, most notably in that he chose to focus not on natural landscapes, such as mountains and rivers, but on cities.


  B) evacuated

  C) departed

  D) retired

  ACT Prep Guide

  Perhaps the celebration of New Year’s Day in Korean culture is (19) heightened because it is thought of as everyone’s birthday party.

  19. A. NO CHANGE

  B. raised

  C. lifted

  D. lighted


  Many people might be surprised to learn that the American way of computing a person’s age differs from the traditional Korean way. In Korean tradition, a person is considered to be already one year old at the time of his or her birth.

  As a child growing up in two cultures, I found this (16) contest a bit confusing.

  16. F. NO CHANGE

  G. change

  H. dispute

  J. difference


  雷同點五:句子邏輯次序題Logical sequence

  新SAT請求考生可以或許斷定某個句子應當安排在文章中的哪一個適合的地位。這類考點在現行SAT語法的Improving Paragraph 修正文章標題中也有所考核。試比擬三種題型:

  改造後SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 1

  [1] Kingman was keenly interested in landscape painting from an

  early age. [2] In Hong Kong, where Kingman completed his schooling, teachers at that time customarily assigned students a formal “school name.” [3] His interest was so keen, in fact, that he was named after it. [4] The young boy who had been called Dong Moy Shu became Dong Kingman.

  5. For the sake of the cohesion of this paragraph, sentence 3

  should be placed

  A) where it is now.

  B) before sentence 1.

  C) after sentence 1.

  D) after sentence 4.

  ACT Prep Guide


  15. Upon reviewing this essay and finding that some information

  has been left out, the writer composes the following sentence incorporating that information:

  Those same German influences helped spawn a similar musical form in northern Mexico known as norteno.

  This sentence would most logically be placed after the last sentence in Paragraph.

  A. 1.

  B. 2.

  C. 3.

  D. 4.

  2010年1月SAT語法標題Improving Paragraph


  35. In context, where should the following sentence be placed?

  It presents problems of its own, however.

  (A) Before sentence 2

  (B) Before sentence 4

  (C) Before sentence 8

  (D) Before sentence 9

  (E) Before sentence 12



  改造後SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 1

  His fine brushwork conveys detailed street-level activity: a peanut vendor pushing his cart on the sidewalk, a pigeon pecking for crumbs around a fire hydrant, an old man tending to a baby outside a doorway. His broader brushstrokes and sponge-painted shapes create majestic city skylines, with skyscrapers towering in the background, bridges connecting neighborhoods on either side of a river, and enormous ships maneuvering out of a busy harbor. To art critics and fans alike, these city scenes represent the innovative spirit of twentieth-century urban Modernism.

  Which choice most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph?

  A) Kingman is considered a pioneer of the California Style school of painting.

  B) Although cities were his main subject, Kingman did occasionally paint natural landscapes.

  C) In his urban landscapes, Kingman captures the vibrancy of crowded cities.

  D) In 1929 Kingman moved to Oakland, California, where he attended the Fox Art School.

  ACT Prep Guide

  (33)Kevin and his parents believed that his constitutional rights had been violated.

  33. Given that all of the choices are true, which one would most effectively introduce the main idea of this paragraph?


  B. The principal said dungarees and blue jeans were the same thing, so Kevin should have known better.

  C. If Kevin’s jeans had been dirty and torn, the principal might have been justified in expelling him.

  D. These events occurred in a time of social unrest, and emotions were running high.



  改造後SAT請求考生可以或許發明文章用詞是不是簡練,防止沒必要要的煩瑣。能用簡練的表達就不消煩瑣的表達,這一點在現行SAT的Improving Sentence標題中也是一個偶然會考到的題型。試比擬:

  改造後SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 2

  If analysis of the traffic count indicates that there is more traffic than the (3)current road as it is designed at this time can efficiently accommodate the road right now, the transportation planner might recommend widening the road to add another lane.


  B) current design of

  C) road as it is now currently designed

  D) current design of the road

  ACT Prep Guide

  For some people, traditional American Indian music is (1)associated and connected with high penetrating vocals accompanied by a steady drumbeat.


  B. connected by some of them

  C. linked by association

  D. associated



  改造後SAT有一類題型叫做Syntax句法題,標題請求為:The student will use various sentence structures to accomplish needed rhetorical purposes. 也便是說,考生須要用分歧的句式去完成句子的修辭目標,比方,將兩句話歸並成一句話的題型,而這類題型在現行SAT中也會考核。試比擬:

  改造後SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 1

  During his career, Kingman exhibited his work (7)internationally. He

  garnered much acclaim.

  7. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?

  A) internationally, and Kingman also garnered

  B) internationally; from exhibiting, he garnered

  C) internationally but garnered

  D) internationally, garnering

  ACT Prep Guide

  Others have followed Lydia Mendoza’s lead (28)and have immigrated to the United States from Mexico.

  28. Given that all of the choices are true, which one would most effectively tie together the two main subjects of this essay?


  G. and have expanded the influence of Tejano music.

  H. such as Santiago Jiménez and his son Flaco.

  J. and have signed large recording contracts.

  09年5月SAT語法部門Improving Paragraph

  Which of the following is the best way to revise the underlined material and combine sentences 6 and 7 (reproduced below) ?

  Shakespeare‘s plays are very sophisticated. The plays reveal that whoever wrote them was very familiar with politics, foreign languages, and classical Greek and Latin.

  (A) The plays attributed to Shakespeare are very sophisticated, revealing that

  (B) He also wrote very sophisticated plays, so they know that

  (C) In contrast, Shakespeare’s plays are very sophisticated, which reveals that

  (D) Who would question that they are sophisticated and that they reveal that

  (E) Whoever wrote it was very sophisticated; his plays reveal



  在現行SAT語法測驗中,限制性定語從句和非限制性定語從句考核的異常少,並無異常明白到考到過二者的差別,然則在改造後SAT語法測驗規模中明白誇大:The student will correctly use punctuation(commas, parentheses, dashes) to set off nonrestrictive and parenthetical elements as well as recognize and correct cases in which restrictive or essential sentence elements are inappropriately set off with punctuation. 簡言之便是考生須要應用標點標記區別限制身分,插入語,非限制身分。這一點在ACT文章改錯題中也是占領必定比重的。試比擬:

  改造後SAT Sample Writing and Language Set 2

  (5)People who pursue careers in transportation planning have a wide variety of educational backgrounds.


  B) People, who pursue careers in transportation planning,

  C) People who pursue careers, in transportation planning,

  D) People who pursue careers in transportation planning,

  ACT Prep Guide

  For years I had seen (52) other Miami’s pictures—many of them the ancestors of the people, who walked along with me,

  52. F. NO CHANGE

  G. people who, walked along with me to the longhouse that summer evening.

  H. people, who walked along, with me

  J. people who walked along with me



  現行SAT語法Improving Paragraph中,會以句子插入題的情勢考核門生對付文章連接過渡的把控,這個考點在改造後SAT語法標題中以修正句子題的情勢得以保存,而ACT中也有一類題型就叫Transition題,兩種題型在改造後SATACT中是同樣的,試比擬:

  改造後SAT Sample Writing and Language Set

  ACT Prep Guide





