
2016/01/28 瀏覽次數:1 收藏

  Task1. Which of the following community service would you be more interested in doing and explain why? Cleaning the city park, planting flowers and trees or build a bicycle lane?


  Sample answer:

  Honestly, I’ll definitely go for planting trees and flowers because this is something that can actually comfort me mentally. I’ll just do it naturally and spontaneously without forcing myself to participate in those community works that I'm not really into. And eh, I can also switch up from the fast-paced life and try to find a sense of tranquility and chill out a bit. On top of that, by planting more greens, I'm actually doing something to protect our mother earth, even though it’s just a tiny step but still makes me feel a sense of achievement and that kinda feeling is indescribable. So I’ll definitely do it because i have a certain and stronger urge and interest of doing so rather than the other two.

  Task2. Do you agree or disagree that the success of a school depends on experienced teachers?

  Sample answer:

  Alright, let’s back to life, back to reality, experienced teachers can not be the deciding factor to judge whether a school is good or not cuz experienced teachers have been teaching for so many years and they're probably tired of teaching the same old stuff over and over again and for the record, they are not as passionate as new teachers when it comes to teaching. In that case, a school should also hire some new faculty members in order to import some new blood so that students can benefit more from this change and the school, of course, is going to be a very successful school.

  What’s more, advanced facilities like a spacious indoor gym with all sorts of equipments, fancy and cozy dorms with wifi, and a wider selection of school activities are also really crucial when it comes to the evaluation of a successful school.

  Task 3.

  Reading: Student Letter, 發起黌舍應當在宿舍樓裏放tea and coffee station, 由於節儉時光又廉價

  Listening: Woman agrees, 由於早上起不來,時光很緊,沒有時光特地去買早飯。只有黌舍餐館有茶喝咖啡,宿舍供給的話會更便利。然後是由於咖啡廳太貴,如許更省錢一些。

  Sample Answer(Simple Version):

  In this reading passage, the student proposes that the university should set some coffee and tea station in student dorms cuz that can be so time efficient and also saves students a lot of money.

  In the conversation, the woman can’t agree more with this proposal for two reasons. The first reason is that it’s really hard for students to get up early in the morning and they are always in a rush and they don't have time for breakfast. It can be a whole lot easier for them to grab a nice cup of coffee in their dorm buildings and they don't have to go all the way to the dining hall. What’s more, it can also save them a lot of money from buying coffee and tea by doing so. Things in the coffee shop in our campus are always more expensive.

  Task 4.

  Reading: 兩種毫無接洽的生物有大概在分歧的情況下進化出類似的feature

  Listening: 傳授舉了兩種動物的例子。一個長短洲的長得像豬的生物,應當是platypus一個是澳洲的體型偏小的生物,應當是echidina. 它倆由於都吃一種蟲豸,中種蟲豸生存在很深很堅固的mud內裏,因而它倆都進化出了long sticky tongue,可以贊助它們從mud內裏吃到蟲子而活下來。

  Sample Answer(Simply Version):

  In this reading passage, it is talking about the animal evolution. After millions of years, animals are changed and evolved to the response of environmental development.

  In the lecture, the professor gives one example of two animals to illustrate this theory. There is a pig like animal named platypus in Africa and a kind of small animal named echidna in Australia. They both have certain connection of eating the same insect living in the mud which can be so deep and hard. Overtime, they both develop very long and sticky tongues so that they can get the insects out of the mud to survive.

  Task 5.

  P: 男女要一路開車去看play,然則可貴忽然想起本身另有一門課,以是預備下周再去play. 然則如許女的就沒有人開車帶她了。

  S1: 女士可以開男神的車去。固然有駕照,然則沒有開車履歷,不太敢,並且要去之處也沒開車去過。

  S2: 坐公交去,然則要花兩倍時光,由於有許多站。

  Sample Answer(Simply Version):

  In this conversation, the woman is facing a problem that the man was supposed to drive her and company her to watch a play, but the man realized that he still got one class to go at the last min so that there would be no one to drive her to the play.

  So here are two solutions for her. The first one is that the woman can drive the man’s car by herself. Another solution is the woman take a public transportation.

  I think the woman should definitely choose the first solutions because it’s such an exhausting thing to take a bus, which may cause her a lot of energy and time and most improtantly, it is not the cool thing to do. Taking a public transportation to a play? shut up, no way. What’s more, life is too short to play it safe, she should definitely jump out of her comfort zone and take chances. it should be fun to do that.

  Task 6.

  Topic: Railroad對美國的進獻


  第二個是可以運raw material好比coal. 美國南部沒有煤,以前就沒有工場,由於須要煤provide energy,然則有了鐵路,可以把其他地區的煤運過來,如許美國南部就多了許多工場。

  Sample Answer(Simply Version):

  So in the lecture, the professor is talking about the contributions of railroad to America and also gives us two examples to illustrate it.

  The first example is that the business can sell their products to a further place and get more revenue. Like in the past, the business which sells clocks can only sell its clocks to local people. Overtime, as the expansion of railroad, the business can deliver their clocks to the entire country and sell to more people.

  Another example is to make it possible to transport raw materials like coal. In the south of America, there are no factories due to the missing of coals cuz factories need energy provided by coals. As the expansion of railroad and coal utilization, which can transport coal from other regions to the south so that more and more factories can be built up there.



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  美國ETS toefl考官課程
