
2016/05/11 瀏覽次數:5 收藏



  It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than relax by doing physical exercise. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? 看片子和念書是比活動更好的放松方法,是否定同?




  1. 當代年青人承載著愈來愈多的來自學業和事情的壓力,為了實現妄想,許多門生大概人員常常過分辛苦,疏忽康健治理, 是以,人們經常覺得身心疲憊。這時,活動緩壓是一種有用的方法。可以想象,人在歷久的事情進修後,假如可以密切天然,伸展身材,他們能感遭到更多的快活。比方,我在身材疲乏,情感降低的時刻,特殊愛好戶外活動,比方羽毛球,泅水,慢跑。我發明每次活動以後,我老是覺得特殊輕松。

  2. 疲憊的時刻,經由過程活動減緩壓力不單單是可以放松身心,加倍可以人的加強免疫力,進步人的康健指數。科學研討表現:紀律活動可削減疾病的困擾,是以,活動者可以精神抖擻地應答學業和奇跡的挑釁,性情也會加倍自負和樂觀。




  1. Alarmingly, a great many young people are under a pool of pressure as a result of the fast pace of modern life and fierce competition. 使人擔心的是,由於快節拍的生存和劇烈的競爭,當代的年青人壓力很大。

  剖析:alarmingly adv 使人擔心的是

  剖析:as a result of 由於……

  2. A proper way of venting our negative emotions is needed especially when we feel weary in both bodies and minds 當咱們覺得身心疲憊的時刻,咱們須要一種適當的方法來開釋不良的情感。

  剖析:vent our negative emotions v 開釋咱們的不良情感

  3. Regular physical exercise is a superior option in easing the intense pressure triggered by tight academic study or heavy workload. 在減緩由進修和事情引發的壓力方面,紀律的活動是更好的選取。

  剖析:is a superior option in ……,在……方面是一個更佳的選取

  剖析:academic study n 進修

  剖析:heavy workload n沉重的事情負荷

  4. Taking up physical exercise is a good way to relax our bodies and ease our minds 從事體育錘煉是一種很好的放松身心的方法。

  5. For example,playing badminton is an effective pressure-reducer. 比方,打羽毛球便是一種有用的緩壓的方法。

  剖析:pressure-reducer n緩壓的方法

  6. Physical exercise can, to a large extent, enhance the effectiveness of the immune system 體育錘煉,在很大水平上,可以進步免疫體系的效力。

  剖析:to a large extent 在很大水平上

  7. The issue reminds me of my good friend Paul, who just has some similar experience 爭議使我想起了石友保羅,他有類似的閱歷。

  剖析:remind sb of sth 提示或人……

  8. He is in the habit of doing physical exercise regularly, sports activities enable him to brave career challenges energetically. 他習氣於紀律地錘煉,體育活動贊助他精神抖擻地應答奇跡的挑釁。

  剖析:is the habit of doing sth 有做……的習氣

  剖析:brave v大膽面臨……

  9. Meanwhile,physical exercise really adds spice to his dull routine of daily life. 同時,體育錘煉為他死板的平常生存增長了興趣。

  剖析:spice n情趣

  10. embark on a healthier lifestyle v 開端康健的生存

  11. ……is a wholesome activity …… 是有利於康健的運動

  剖析:wholesome adj 有利於康健的

  12. For example,I take great interest in a wide range of sports events. 比方,我對付許多的競技體育項目都異常感興致的。

  剖析:sports events n競技體育項目

  13. I can breathe the fresh air and enjoy the closeness to nature. 我可以或許呼吸新穎氛圍和享遭到密切天然。

  14. Thus,taking up physical exercise is a better choice. 是以,錘煉是加倍可取的方法。

  15. Reading our favorite books or enjoying amusing movies can help us relax for a while. 瀏覽咱們愛好的書本,觀賞風趣的片子一樣可以贊助咱們放松一會。

  剖析:for a while adv 少焉

  16. Reading books or appreciating movies still has some roles to play in reducing our pressure. 瀏覽和看片子在減緩壓力方面仍然是起感化的。

  17. Reading, by occupying time so constructively, makes one contented, with no time for boredom. 瀏覽,有扶植性地應用了時光,令人得償所願,再也沒有沒有聊之感。

  剖析:contented adj 得償所願的

  18. Watching an exciting movie can still help us forget the unpleasant experience and excessive stress in real life. 看一部使人高興的片子可以贊助我臨時忘卻實際生存的懊惱和壓力。

  拓展:excessive stress = huge pressure n偉大的壓力

  19. However, one might foster the sedentary lifestyle and lazy habit. 然則,一小我也學會養成久坐的生存方法和懶散的習氣。

  20. My stand is that doing physical exercise is a better choice of relaxing ourselves我的態度是,體育錘煉是一種更好的放松方法。






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