
2016/05/12 瀏覽次數:4 收藏



  In twenty years from now, students will not use printed books any more. 20年今後,門生們將再也不應用紙媒書本,是否定同? (2009年3月29 日)

  【標題剖析】20年今後,門生們再也不應用紙媒書本 = 電子書本可以完整獲得紙媒瀏覽,是不是贊成?





  1. 不管電子瀏覽何等方便和風趣,許多門生轉變不了用紙媒書本進修的習氣。比方,我的同齡人,他們不習氣也不愛好電子書,特別因此電子書作為教科書,由於電子瀏覽極為未便,沒法隨時地做標誌和條記。

  2. 比較其他的電子讀物,傳統的紙媒有其上風。詳細而言,許多電子小說可隨便揭櫫,質量難包管,然則,紙媒書本,比擬而言,內容優良。 比方,作為文學喜好者,我愛好瀏覽文學作品, 收集小說很少吸引我,由於其內容比擬俗氣,文筆很差,少少帶來瀏覽快感。相反,我本身愛好瀏覽一本名為《作家》的雜誌,我不讀收集雜誌,由於拿到一本新書的感到很紮實,淡淡的墨香引發我連忙瀏覽的興致。






  1. printed books n印刷書本

  2. e-reading n電子瀏覽

  3. deeply rooted reading habit n 根深蒂固的瀏覽習氣

  4. can never replace traditional way of reading v永久沒法取代傳統的瀏覽方法

  5. A and B are not mutually exclusive …… 和 …… 不是相互排擠的


  1. The past century has witnessed tremendous technological progress and these changes re-shaped some people’s reading choices. 一百年來,科技在提高,這類提高也轉變了許多人的瀏覽選取。

  剖析:tremendous = great 偉大的

  2. People still read, however,some people might have different preferences such as on-line reading or appreciating their favorite books via the cell phone 人們仍然在瀏覽,然則,人們的愛好大概在變更,比方許多人愛好收集瀏覽和電話瀏覽。

  剖析:via prep經由過程

  3. Some people argue that if the popularity of e-reading keeps expanding at current rate, our reading will be dominated by on-line or cell phone reading two decades later 有人以為假如電子瀏覽以如許的速率上升,20年後,電話瀏覽和收集瀏覽終極將會占領主導位置。

  4. It is true that the number of reading printed books is, to some extent,declining, but, this trend does not necessarily indicate conventional way of reading will give way to e-reading. 切實其實,那些瀏覽印刷書本的人數在必定水平上削減,然則,這不必定象征著電子瀏覽會代替傳統瀏覽。

  5. The quality of many e-books cannot be ensured because almost every individual can publish articles on line,conversely,reading printed books with excellent contents can stir readers’ imagination, tap their creativity and deepen their insights into their lives. 由於險些大家可以揭櫫收集文章,以是,許多電子讀物的質量難以保障,相反,瀏覽內容優良的紙媒書本可以引發人的想象力,開辟人的發明性,加深人對付生存的洞察。

  6. Indeed,I have to concede that many readers,especially teenagers, seem to be drawn to the popular e-reading.我認可,許多人,特別是青少年讀者,仿佛被被風行的電子瀏覽所吸引。

  7. Nonetheless,I want to rebut that on no account can we neglect the downsides triggered by e-reading. 然則,我想辯駁的是任何情形下咱們不克不及疏忽電子瀏覽帶來的弊病。

  8. First,as for some of my peers,it is hard for them to change deeply rooted habit of reading printed books or newspapers. 對付我的許多同齡人而言,他們很難轉變根深蒂固的瀏覽紙媒的習氣。

  9. No matter how convenient or amusing e-reading is,I still have a preference for reading printed newspapers and magazines.不管電子瀏覽何等方便和風趣,我仍然愛好瀏覽印刷版的報紙雜誌。

  10. For example,as a literature fancier,I take keen interest in reading a magazine entitled Writer,I can either read printed book or and enjoy on-line magazine, however, I still have a sentimental attachment to the traditional way of reading 比方,我是文學發熱友,很愛好瀏覽一本名為《作家》的雜誌,我可以選取購置書本,也能夠選取收集瀏覽,然則,我始終對付傳統的瀏覽方法加倍依附.

  剖析:have a sentimental attachment to 對付……有情緒的迷戀

  11. The ink fragrance of the book never fails to make me feel at ease, when holding a newly published magazine, I usually have an impulse of browsing the book and make some personal notes immediately .一本新書披發著墨香,拿在手裏,比擬紮實,我可以隨時條記。

  剖析:make me feel at ease v使我覺得心安

  12. E-books enjoy their unique merits. To name just a few, e-books have large storage room, are easy to carry, have rich on-line resources and so on 電子瀏覽有其特有的利好, 比方,電子書存儲量大,攜帶方便,資本豐碩等等。

  13. Seen from the perspective of health, chronic exposure to the screen might impair one’s eyesight 從康健的角度而言,歷久打仗電子輻射有害目力。

  剖析:chronic adj 歷久的

  剖析:impair one’s eyesight v 有害目力

  14. With the availability of an ocean of e-books,sometimes,it is hard for readers to select their favorite books. 電子書庫信息量很大,有時刻,讀者反而無從選取他們的愛好的書本。

  15. The ideal learning effect created by printed books can never be matched by e-reading. 應用紙媒書本,後果更佳,電子瀏覽,難以實現。






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