
2016/05/13 瀏覽次數:3 收藏




  Do you agree or disagree: the government should not provide artists (musician,film-maker) with any financial support? 是不是贊成當局不該該為藝術家供給任何的經濟支撐?


  1. Some people argue that arts (e.g. painting & music) do not directly improve people's quality of life, therefore, government should spend more money on other things,Do you agree or disagree?

  2. The government should not spend money on national defense. It should put the money in arts instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





  1. 當局贊助藝術家有助於各種藝術的康健成長和繁華。

  2. 藝術可以成為一個民族的崇奉,加強民族凝聚力和驕傲感。

  3. 贊助藝術家會遭到人們的迎接,藝術家的勝利帶來大批的藝術館和美術館的扶植。這些令人們的休閑生存加倍多元化, 給人們的生存增加更多的情趣。

  4. 人文學科的繁華可以歸結給美術館和藝術館的繁華,而藝術家的辛苦發明為美術館和藝術館做出了偉大的進獻。

  5. 各種藝術情勢點亮了天下的文化和文明,藝術家的盡力成為繁華旅行經濟,豐碩人們精力生存和晉升人們藝術品位的主要契機。


  1. 當局的財務有限,然則,要辦理的民生題目無限,是以,當局完整贊助藝術家會給國度增長經濟累贅。

  2. 頗有大概,一些偽藝術家欺騙當局的財務支撐,當局在藝術方面的財務支撐會成為他們好吃懶做,浪費人生的本錢。


  1. The prosperity of a nation’s traditional art will enhance its citizens’ national pride. 國度傳統藝術的繁華可以加強公民的民族驕傲感。


  辭匯:calligraphy n書法; Beijing opera n京劇;marital art n技擊

  2. Various arts can be considered as nation’s belief, which could strengthen a country’s cohesion藝術可以成為一個民族的崇奉,加強民族凝聚力。


  3. The investment in art could bring about immense commercial value, by that I mean, the efforts of different artists could be beneficial to the nation’s economy be means of creating music, making films and attracting tourists. 藝術投資可以帶來偉大的經濟代價,換言之,各種藝術家的盡力有助於經濟的成長,藝術家們可以發明音樂,拍攝片子,吸引旅客。

  4. An exhibition of works of art could not only provide visitors with visual enjoyment but also cultivate their artistic taste and enlighten their wisdom 藝術品展覽不但可以給觀光者供給視覺享受,還可以造就他們的藝術美感,啟發他們的聰明。

  點評:works of art = artwork n藝術品

  點評:…… can provide sb with visual enjoyment v 可以給……供給視覺享受(推舉背誦)

  5. …… could not only tap one’s unlimited creativity, but also stimulate one’s vivid imagination …… 不單單可以開辟人的無窮發明力,還可以引發人的豐碩想象力


  tap one’s unlimited creativity v 開辟人的無窮發明力 (推舉背誦)

  stimulate one’s vivid imagination v引發人的豐碩想象力 (推舉背誦)

  6. build a city’s fame = promote a city’s reputation v晉升一個都會的佳譽度

  7. The prosperity of the humanities could be largely owed to the prosperity of the art. 人文學科的繁華,在很大水平,可以被歸結為美術館和藝術館的繁華。

  8. Arts’ creation could illuminate culture and civilization of the world. 藝術家們的創作可以點亮天下的文化和文明。

  9. It is a worthwhile investment to sponsor various artists, for their efforts could, to large extent, facilitate the healthy development of arts. 資助各種藝術家是故意義的投資,由於各種藝術家的盡力有助於藝術的康健成長。

  點評:be beneficial to sth = greatly conduce to sth = facilitate sth v 有助於……(經典三劍客)

  10. Under no circumstances can we ignore the immense value of art investment. 任何情形下不克不及疏忽藝術投資的偉大代價(作家態度)

  11. Arts can purify our soul. Without arts, we would be still leading a dull and barbaric life today. 藝術可以凈化咱們的魂魄,沒有藝術,咱們本日仍然過著無趣的蠻橫的生存。

  12. Those museums, art galleries could be developed into hot tourist attractions, which could achieve huge profitability. 美術館和藝術館可以開辟成為熱點的旅行景點進而帶來偉大的經濟收益。

  點評:achieve huge profitability v得到偉大的收益

  13. Too much financial support in helping artists might impose much pressure upon a nation economically. After all, our infinite social needs are matched against the static financial resources. 過分支撐藝術家會增長國度的經濟累贅,究竟,無限的社會需乞降有限的財務資本是抵觸的。

  14. My stand is that the government is supposed to partly subsidize those artists in terms of providing financial support and preferential policy. 我的態度是當局應當在經濟和政策方面部門支撐藝術。(作家態度)

  點評:preferential policy n 優惠的政策

  15. It is the unshakable obligation of the government to support art workers, such as musicians,writers or painters, financially. However, the proportion of financial assistance should be rational. 贊助藝術事情者,比方,音樂家,作家,畫家等是當局弗成推辭的義務,然則,財務支援的比例應當是理性的。

  點評:It is the unshakable obligation of the government to ……,v 做……是當局弗成推辭的義務






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