
2016/05/16 瀏覽次數:5 收藏



  Governments and corporations should share all of their scientific discoveries with the rest of the world. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 當局和企業是不是應當和眾人分享他們的科學發明,是否定同?



  1. 當局不克不及分享科技創造。比方,軍事創造中核兵器技巧不克不及分享,一旦分享,會造成平安的隱患,一些地痞國度或基地構造大概應用核兵器造成人類的災害。

  2. 企業不克不及分享科學創造。由於企業做科學研討要投入款項, 人力,裝備,是以,勝利的時刻企業是要紅利的。比方,醫藥研發企業須要藥品的研發轉化為經濟好處。假如強迫請求企業分享最新的科研造詣,企業就會落空搞科研的動力。


  1. The innovations and high-tech contrivances have a key role to play in a corporation or nation’s development 立異和高科技創造在企業和國度的成長中施展了主要的感化。

  拓展:contrivance= inventions n 創造

  2. People have debating, for many years, whether or not …… 人們許多年以來一向在爭議是不是……

  3. As I see it,the fruits of the research should not be shared with other nations or companies. 我以為, 研討的結果不該該和其他的國度和公司分享。

  4. The success of scientific research requires initial financial investment such as staff and facilities 科學研討的勝利須要前期的經濟投入比方人力和舉措措施。

  5. Most research conducted by the corporations is commercially driven. 大多半的企業的科研都因此經濟好處為驅動的。

  剖析:is commercially driven ……為經濟好處驅動的

  6. Taking medical research as an example,medical companies pour large sums of money into developing new medicine. 以醫療科研為例,醫療公司須要投入大批的款項去研發新藥。

  剖析:large sums of money 大批的款項

  剖析:take …… as an example 以……為例證

  7. get involved in the scientific research v 做科學研討

  8. regain economic benefits v 從新得到經濟好處

  9. generate immense economic value v發生偉大的經濟代價

  10. Of the countless attempts they might do,only a few turn out to be successful 他們會做許多盡力,然則, 只有少數的試驗才可以勝利。

  剖析:turn out to be sth 被證實是……

  11. These companies have to sell their products at a higher price so that they can regain their initial research investment. 公司須要以較高的價錢發賣商品,能力收回前期的經濟投入。

  12. Progress in a number of really valuable researches might lose motivation if we take away economic stimulation in terms of doing scientific research,then,假如落空了做科研的經濟的刺激,許多有代價的科研大概就會落空動力。

  剖析:in terms of 在……方面

  13. Therefore,certain types of research fruits should not be freely shared. 是以,某些科學研討的結果是不克不及分享的。

  14. Nuclear energy research is good case in point. Such research should be safeguarded by the countries 核能研討便是很好的例證,研討應當由國度掩護。

  剖析:…… is a good case in point ……便是很好的例證

  剖析:safeguard v 掩護

  拓展:nuclear weapon technology n核兵器技巧

  15. This is because other groups or countries may lack such expertise or resources. 其他的國度和群大概缺少專業的技巧和資本。

  剖析:expertise n專業技巧

  16. This would be similar to giving a child a knife. 這就似乎給了孩子們一把刀


  17. Granted,I have to concede that some people might have wonderful wish that governments and corporations would share their research fruits for free. 切實其實,我認可有些人大概會等待當局免費地分享他們的研討結果。

  剖析:for free adv 免費地

  18. Overall,I am convinced that it is rather groundless to simply believe that the government should share all its innovations and scientific discovery with other countries in the world. 我以為,簡略以為當局應當分享全部的立異和創造是異常浮淺的。

  剖析:It is rather groundless to simply believe that …… 簡略以為……是異常浮淺的






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