
2016/05/23 瀏覽次數:6 收藏


  1. 黑體字題的題型:



  Hunter: Hunters alone are blamed for the decline in Greenrock National Forest’s deer population over the past ten years. Yet clearly, black bears have also played an important role in this decline. In the past ten years, the forest’s protected black bear population has risen sharply, and examination of black bears found dead in the forest during the deer hunting season showed that a number of them had recently fed on deer.

  In the hunter’s argument, the boldface portion plays which of the following roles?



  A product that represents a clear technological advance over competing products can generally command a high price. Because technological advances tend to be quickly surpassed and companies want to make large profits while they still can, many companies charge the greatest price the market will bear when they have such a product. But large profits on the mew product will give competitors a strong incentive to quickly match the mew product’s capabilities. Consequently, the strategy to maximize overall profit from a new product is to charge less than the greatest possible price.

  In the argument above, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?

  2. 黑體字解題計謀:


  ** Conclusion: author’s main claim

  引誘詞:conclusion, conclude, assert that, think that, claim, position, it can be made that... consequently, obviously, clearly, hence, therefore, thus...

  ** premise: a piece of evidence(fact or claim) that supports the author’s conclusion.

  引誘詞:because of, since, due to, as a result of

  ** Intermediate Conclusion: both a conclusion and a premise, it supports the final conclusion.

  Is it the case that a (he’s more likely to get caught) is true, therefore B (he will probably end up in jail is true).

  The red one is the intermediate conclusion and the blue one is the final conclusion.

  ** Counterpoint: goes against the author’s conclusion.

  ** background: set the context for an argument

  ** Consideration: a factor to be considered in forming a judgment or decision

  例:Safety is the most important consideration in choosing a car.


  ** Evidence: A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment

  例:Scientists weigh the evidence for and against a hypothesis.


  ** judgment:有主觀斷定的,一種揣摸出來的根據;

  The expert has therefore recommended that because the officers’ time spent obtaining approval is largely wasted, the watch commander’s approval no longer be required.

  引誘詞:it is fause/ill concieved; it should be rejected as... / no longer required, it is unjustified, it is reasonable.....



  1. 是支撐中央結論2(mid conclusion)的evidence;

  2. 是mid conclusion,支撐conclusion3;

  3. 是conclusion,

  4和5也是evidence,它們否決2和3,實際上是否決1->2->3的論證(argument, argument=evidence+conclusion);

  4. 是經由過程指出A->B自己的毛病(相似於flaw)對1->2舉行減弱,

  5. 是經由過程C->B對2->3舉行減弱的。4, 5均支撐conclusion6的建立。

  7. 和本文的邏輯推導無關,稱作suggestion,其地位一樣平常在文章的末了。


  引誘詞:However, nevertheless, although, but,


  Newton developed mathematical concepts and techniques that are fundamental to modern calculus. Leibniz developed closely analogous concepts and techniques. It has traditionally been thought that these discoveries were independent. Researchers have, however, recently discovered notes of Leibniz’s that discuss one of Newton’s books on mathematics. Several scholars have argued that since the book includes a presentation of Newton’s calculus concepts and techniques, and since the notes were written before Leibniz’s own development of calculus concepts and techniques, it is virtually certain that the traditional view is false. A more cautious conclusion than this is called for, however. Leibniz’ notes are limited to early sections of Newton’s book, sections that precede the ones in which Newton’s calculus concepts and techniques are presented.


  Aroca City currently funds its public schools through taxes on property. In place of this system, the city plans to introduce a sales tax of three percent on all retail sales in the city. Critics protest that three percent of current retail sales falls short of the amount raised for schools by property taxes. The critics are correct on this point. Nevertheless, implementing the plan will probably not reduce the money going to Aroca’s schools. Several large retailers have selected Aroca City as the site for huge new stores, and these are certain to draw large numbers of shoppers from neighboring municipalities, where sales are taxed at rates of six percent and more. In consequence, retail sales in Aroca City are bound to increase substantially.

  3. 黑體字解題步調:


  ** 讀全文 找出焦點論點(不是中央論點) 讀出遷移轉變寄義 焦點論點平日躲在遷移轉變以後和句尾。

  ** 看boldface句同先後句的幹系(無遷移轉變既是邏輯上的持續)分清是boldface句為個中某句辦事照樣某句為boldface句辦事。

  ** 推出兩個boldface句之間的邏輯幹系;前一半BF, 是一個究竟? 是一個論斷? 是一個證據? 是一個假如? 大概是一其中間結論? 假如領會出, 是一個假如, 那末選項中說第一部門是其他甚麽的, 就被排除。 沒有甚麽必殺選項只有懂得文章才可以。


  ** 比擬文章看是不是相幹,是否是兩句話都在評論辯論一件工作;

  ** 留意標記詞:

  a. However前面便是作者challenge,disagree,call into question的器械,背面便是作者support的器械,多是全文的conclusion, position等等;

  b. Since, Because是緣故原由,選項中常湧現 evidence,explanation, based,consideration等詞。

  c. if...then, should be 是一種斷定的根據, 選項中常湧現 judgement 等詞;

  d. Therefore, argue that... 就確定是conclusion了;

  e. it shows等等是例證,選項中常湧現 ...based ... finding,in support of, evidence 等詞;

  4. 黑體字溫習辦法:






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