
2016/05/25 瀏覽次數:4 收藏


  表現方位的介詞:in, to, on

  1. in 表現在某地規模以內。

  Shanghai is/lies in the east of China. 上海在中國的東部。

  2. to 表現在某地規模以外。

  Japan is/lies to the east of China. 日本處於中國的東面。

  3. on 表現與某地相鄰或交界。

  Mongolia is/lies on the north of China. 蒙古國處於中國北邊。

  表現計量的介詞:at, for, by

  1. at表現“以……速率”“以……價錢”。

  It flies at about 900 kilometers an hour. 它以每小時900千米的速率飛翔。

  I sold my car at a high price. 我以高價出售了我的汽車。

  2. for表現“用……交流,以……為價值”。

  He sold his car for 500 dollars. 他以五百元把車賣了。

  留意:at表現單價(price) ,for表現總錢數。

  3. by表現“以……計”,後跟器量單元。

  They paid him by the month. 他們按月給他計酬。

  Here eggs are sold by weight. 在這裏雞蛋是按重量賣的。

  表現資料的介詞:of, from, in

  1. of制品仍可看出質料。

  This box is made of paper. 這個盒子是紙做的。

  2. from制品已看不出質料。

  Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是葡萄造成的。

  3. in表現用某種資料或說話。

  Please fill in the form in pencil first. 請先用鉛筆填寫這個表格。

  They talk in English. 他們用英語攀談。

  表現對象或手腕的介詞:by, with, on

  1. by用某種方法,多用於交通。

  I went there by bus. 我坐大眾汽車去那邊。

  2. with表現“用某種對象”。

  He broke the window with a stone. 他用石頭把玻璃砸壞了。


  3. on表現“以……方法”,多用於牢固詞組。

  They talked on the telephone. 他們經由過程手機舉行攀談。

  She learns English on the radio/on TV. 她經由過程收音機/電視學英語。

  表現關於的介詞:of, about, on

  1. of僅是提到或談到過或人或某事。

  He spoke of the film the other day. 他頭幾天提到了這部影片。

  2. about指“關於”或人或某事物的較具體的情形。

  Can you tell me something about yourself? 你能告知我關於你本身的工作嗎?

  3. on指“關於”學術性的或嚴正的事。

  It’s a textbook on the history of china. 它是一本有關中國汗青的教科書。

  表緣故原由或來由的介詞:for, at, from, of, with, by, because of

  1. for表現緣故原由,與sorry, famous, punish, praise, thank, blame連用。

  I am sorry for what I said to you. 我懊悔不應對你講那些話。

  2. at指情緒變更的緣故原由,意為“因聽到或看到而……”。

  He was surprised at the news. 聽到這新聞他大吃一驚。

  3. from指“外在的緣故原由”,如受傷、車禍等。

  He died from the wound. 他因受傷而致死。

  4. of指“內涵的緣故原由”,如病、餓等。

  The old man died of hunger. 白叟死於饑餓。

  5. with指心理上或情緒上的由外界到心坎的緣故原由。

  Hearing the news, he jumped with joy. 他們聽到這個新聞,驚喜若狂。

  He was shaking with anger. 他氣得滿身顫抖。

  6. by表現外部的,特別是暴力的或偶然中造成某種成果的緣故原由。

  Her body was bent by age. 他因年邁背彎了。

  She took your umbrella by mistake. 我因弄錯拿了你的雨傘。

  7. because of 表現引發成果的直接緣故原由。

  He retired last month because of illness/because he ill.

  8. owing to多表現引發某不良效果的緣故原由。

  Owing to the rain they could not come. 因為下雨他們沒來。

  9. thanks to表現引發某種榮幸成果的緣故原由,常譯為“虧得……,多虧……”。

  Thanks to John, we won the game. 多虧約翰,咱們才贏了這場競賽。

  10. out of表現念頭的原由,常譯為“出於……”。

  He asked the question out of curiosity. 他出於好奇才問了誰人題目。

  11. through多表現因局部而影響全局的緣故原由。

  The war was lost through bad organization. 戰斗因構造不周而失敗了。

  表現似乎或看成的介詞:like, as

  1. like表現“像……同樣”,並不是。

  Peter the Great, like his country, was strong and proud. 彼得大帝像他的國度同樣強壯和驕傲。

  2. as表現“作為,以……身份”,實在也是。

  He talked to me as a father. 他以父親的身份跟我發言。


  The work is not so difficult as you imagine. 這事情不像你想像的那末艱苦。

  表現支撐或否決的介詞:against, for


  Are you for my idea or against it? 你贊成照樣否決我的設法主意?

  表現除或人某物外的介詞:besides, excep

  1. besides是包含背面所提人或物在內的“除……外,還”。

  Thirty students went to the cinema besides him. 除他之外,另有30個門生去看了片子(總計31人去)。

  He is interested in tennis besides(=as well as)football.他對足球和網球都感興致。

  2. except是指不包含背面所提人或物在內的“撤除”。

  Everyone is excited except me. 除我之外的每小我都很沖動(我其實不沖動)。

  All the visitors are Japanese except him. 除他之外的全部旅客都這天本人。(他不這天本人)


  (A) except平日與表現全部的all, every連用;若與other連用,只能用besides。

  He had other people to take care of besides me. 除我以外,他還要照料他人。

  (B) except是消除同類;而except for是消除非同類,常在解釋根本情形後,從細節上加之修改。

  The composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes. 除幾處拼寫毛病以外,這篇作文團體照樣不錯的。(作文與拼寫毛病長短同類的)

  但except for 偶然也可取代 except,特殊是在句首時,由於 except 是不克不及用於句首的。

  Except for George, you can all go. 除喬治外,你們均可以去。



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