Topic 議題:mysterious prints reported in an English newspaper | ||
Reading | Listening | |
Thesis 泛論點 | The reading points out three hypotheses to explain the mysterious prints. | Refute the three explanations mentioned in reading passage. |
Sub-point 1 分論點1 |
This was kangaroo footprint. | Kangaroo’s sharp and powerful claws would make deep marks during long trails. And if the footprints were left by the fleeing kangaroo, there must have been reports about this incident, but there wasn’t. |
Sub-point2 分論點2 |
It was made by hot air balloon, which can be demonstrated by the broken rope and blots. | There was a forest area in the way, and the hot air balloon would be entangled by tree branches and could not travel that long distance. |
Sub-point 3 分論點3 |
The whole story was invented although reported trustworthy. | The report was based on reliable materials. For one thing, there’sletter from Devin who found the footprints; for another thing, newspaper office collected a lot of details about the print. Thus the report wouldn’t be invented. |
Sample answer:
The reading and listening discuss about mysterious prints reported in an English newspaper. The reading points out three hypotheses to explain the mysterious prints. Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three points presented inthe passage.
Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s idea that this was kangaroo footprint. The professor claims that Kangaroo’s sharp and powerful claws would make deep marks during long trails. And if the footprints were left by the fleeing kangaroo, theremust have been reports about this incident, but there wasn’t.
Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s second hypothesis that it was made by hot airballoon, which can be demonstrated by the broken rope andblots. The professor mentions that there was a forest area in the way, and thehot air balloon would be entangled by tree branches and could not travel that long distance.
At last, the passage states that the whole story was invented although reported trust worthy.However, the professor explains that the report wasbased on reliable materials. For one thing, there’sletter from Devin who found the footprints; for another thing, newspaper office collected a lotof details about the print. Thus the report wouldn’t be invented.
作文標題: | Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies are worth watching only when they teach something about real life. |
題型種別: | 究竟類 |
寫作思緒: | 這是一道老題,反復2011年8月的寫作題。 標題不難,異常典範的絕對詞標題,發起眾人選取disagree。 解題方法:承合駁絕(認可公道性,駁倒絕對性)。 考生們假如認為有難度,重要題目在於例子上面。針對此題,同窗們欠好本身編造例子,最佳是樹立在實其實在的片子的基本上的。許多同窗在科場上發明不會寫片子名稱、演員大概劇中人物的名字。致使想用的例子卻用不了,以是提示列位考生一句,寫作要好,日常平凡的積聚必定要足,同時要勤練筆,將寫作融入到本身的生存中,如許方能紮踏實實地進步~ |
寫作指點: |
Main point: Disagree Reason1. 認可實際片子的可看性,有利益,然則並非獨一值得看的片子。 Undeniably, it is beneficial for a movie when it focuses on realism. (認可公道性)That kind of movie usually reflects our actual life or exposes the hardship and misfortune some people are going through. (恰當說明公道性)For example, the documentary movie “Tears in Africa” presents cruel life situations occurring in Africa which can move all of us to give aid to Africans. (舉例解釋)However, if we simply pay attention to this type of movie, it may create so much stress in our lives that we ordinary people could not bear it very long.(駁倒) Reason2. 許多人由於愛好片子內裏的元素而看片子,好比愛好的明星,高明的絕技後果等。 比方,我異常愛好高科技元素,我就會去看X-MEN, TRANSFORMERS, IRON MAN, Harry Port等;好比我異常愛好小李子(Leonardo),他的片子我就必定要去看。不管是高科技元素照樣演員精深的演技都邑讓咱們從中受益。 Reason3. 只看反應實際類的片子讓人stressed out。以Aftershock(唐山大地動)為例,看完以後整小我情感異常降低。 |