
2016/06/16 瀏覽次數:15 收藏




  patent是為了用reward鼓勵reseracher立異的。以是non-profit funding下的research不該該patent 問誰人選項支撐。 選的non-profit已有motivation。






  CR有一道是飛機 additional costs: baggage and snack influence customer(記得機經上也有)

  記得不是很清晰了也許是說航空公司在訂機票價錢的 時刻會斟酌附加baggage 和snack 的身分。假如機票包括baggage and snack,價錢就會高。沒包含價錢會低。 以後問花費者是若何斟酌的(問evaluation)


  1. the Janpanese company 's success constitutes the ..... the industry照樣 the nation 。選項滿是跟benchmark有關的 the benchmark of/the benchmark for doing...

  Of 是附屬幹系。 For doing 是表目標的~

  2. SC有一道糾結了良久的題,構造是如許的,xxx is one of five stars that have been oriantated from xx and that have formed beneath yy.. 有一個選項是:that form 糾結了良久照樣選了原句。如今認為多是錯了。that have...and that form... 應當是如許平行的吧。由於oriantate是一向持續到如今的狀況,然則form不是,不該該用have formed...

  3. the federal reserve’s decision to raise interest rate and the …….使得數個月內再加息的大概性下降by doing...

  4. 有一道題糾結了半天 to do/ for doing

  A model of XX is possibility to provide

  A model of XX is possibility for providing

  5. 癥結詞是ultrathin的那道GWD原題

  Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly's wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away.

  A wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling

  B wings, which is the same one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, that also enables

  C wings is the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, enabling

  D wings-the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence-also enables

  E wings-of the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence-also enable

  選取 D



  在線直播小班課程 足不出戶學英語!

  gmat公然課 百種免費課程會聚一堂

  1對1事業課程 出國測驗私家訂制

  名師培優課 2016申請訂制課程
