
2016/06/17 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  6月17日CNN聽力:美國奶酪激發人群沾染李斯特菌事宜 沾染病例恐增多


  There's been a series of food recalls in the U.S. over the past three weeks.

  The concern: possible listeria contamination.

  CRF Frozen Foods is a company that supplies products to supermarkets across North America.

  It has recalled all of the frozen fruit and vegetable foods that have been processed in its facility in Pasco, Washington, since 2014.

  We'd give a list of these foods, but the recall covers 358 different products sold over 42 different brands.

  It's huge. The U.S. government's Food and Drug Administration website, FDA.gov, has a complete list.

  Some of the stores that stocked the recall foods are Costco, Trader Joe, Safeway, Walmart.

  Health officials say that since September of 2013, this listeria outbreak has sickened eight people in three different states.

  But the recall is for products sold in all 50 states and in Canada.

  What is listeria?

  Listeria is a bacteria that can be found in several different kinds of foods.

  For example, sprouts, deli meats, hot dogs, smoked seafood, soft cheeses and raw unpasteurized milk.

  Healthy people, if they're exposed to listeria, they might get fever or diarrhea.

  But people who are high risk, they can get fever, muscle aches, headaches, a stiff neck, confusion and convulsions.

  Pregnant women who ate foods contaminated with listeria, they might get just a fever or maybe a fever and chills and headache.

  But the big risk is that listeria can cause miscarriages.

  Listeria can kill.

  The Centers for Disease Control estimates that about 260 people die each year after eating foods contaminated with listeria.

  In addition, there are about 1,600 illnesses.

  Now, you can reduce your chances from getting sick with listeria.

  So, first of all, rinse your produce, scrub firmed produce like melons and cucumbers with a brush, dry the produce, separate uncooked meats and poultry from other foods.

  Soft cheeses like Brie and Camembert and feta, those are very popular.

  But look on the labels.

  Make sure they are made with pasteurized milk.