
2015/06/04 瀏覽次數:5 收藏


  標題範例:Critical Reading > Sentence Completions

  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  The party guests were enthralled by the host's ------- anecdotes, which were full of engaging and provocative details.

  (A) piquant

  (B) obtrusive

  (C) insipid

  (D) discursive

  (E) forthright

  【參考謎底】 A

  說明:The sentence suggests that the host's "anecdotes," or stories, were enthralling because they were full of "engaging and provocative details." In other words, the anecdotes were "piquant," or engagingly provocative and charming.
