
2015/06/11 瀏覽次數:8 收藏


  Task 1

  Which do you think is the most efficient way for learning:study alone,thinking and discussing in a group,Or taking assignment?

  Task 2

  It is important for students to wear fashionable clothes.

  Task 3

  New theater performance major requirement:off-campus professionally performed play for 35 dollars each.the man agrees.

  Task 4

  Ecosystem Resistance: the ability to restore to its original condition.Variety is the key.Examples are coral reefs.

  Task 5

  Internet connection installment:the woman want to hang out with friends instead of waiting for the setup tomorrow afternoon,but her roommate has a test-prep session to attend.

  Task 6

  講ancient people obsverse star 的感化。一個是農業,一個是navigation。有些star 只在特準時間才visible,以是用star可以predict 種地的時光。古埃及人就用一個summer才湧現的star來決議種地的時光的。另有viking 人長期sailing 以是用一些特定地位的star來贊助他們在海上定位,斷定是南照樣北。