
2015/04/13 瀏覽次數:15 收藏


  A rectangular lot that measures 150 ft by 200 ft is completely fenced. What is the approximate length, in feet, of the fence?

  F. 300

  G. 350

  H. 400

  J.  700

  K. 1,400

  剖析:The correct answer is J. To find the length of fence needed to fence a rectangular lot 150 ft by 200 ft, you need to find the perimeter. The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is 2 times the sum of the length and width, or P = 2( l+ w). 2(150 +200) =2(350) =700.

  準確謎底選J。所需竹籬的長度即為這塊長150英尺寬200英尺矩形地盤的周長。依據矩形周長公式,可知:矩形周長=2(長+寬),即2(150 +200) =2(350) =700英尺。