
2015/06/12 瀏覽次數:14 收藏



  1. William Faulkner, being that he was a Southern writer, used Mississippi as a setting for most of his novels.

  A. being that he was a Southern writer

  B. a Southern writer

  C. while a writer from the South

  D. in origin a writer of the South

  E. because of him being a writer from the South

  Correct Answer: B


  Explanation for Correct Answer B:

  Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by reducing the subordinate clause introduced by "being that" to the modifying phrase "a Southern writer."

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer A:

  Choice (A) involves the use of an improper idiom. The phrase "being that" is improperly used to introduce a subordinate clause ("he was a Southern writer") where it would be more idiomatic to say, "William Faulkner, who was a Southern writer."

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer C:

  Choice (C) is unsatisfactory because it results in an illogical sentence. The word "while" indicates a contrast in ideas where there is no contrast.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer D:

  Choice (D) involves the use of an improper idiom. It provides the modifying phrase "in origin a writer of the South" where it would be more idiomatic to use a phrase such as "a writer originally from the South."

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer E:

  Choice (E) results in an unsatisfactory sentence. The sentence would be clearer if the awkward phrase "because of him being" were deleted and the simple modifying phrase "a writer from the South" were left.

  2. Tadpoles hatch and metamorphose into small replicas of adult frogs although remaining in their aquatic birthplace.

  A. although remaining

  B. while remaining

  C. in spite of it remaining

  D. due to their remaining

  E. in the course of which they remain

  Correct Answer: B


  Explanation for Correct Answer B:

  Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by replacing the adverb "although," which indicates contrast, with the adverb "while," which indicates the time during which tadpoles change.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer A:

  Choice (A) involves improper modification. The adverb "although" illogically indicates a contrast between the two parts of the sentence, which are not contrasting ideas.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer C:

  Choice (C) involves the use of a vague pronoun. It is not clear what the pronoun "it" refers to.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer D:

  Choice (D) results in an illogical sentence. The phrase "due to" illogically indicates that the development of tadpoles into frogs is caused by their remaining in water.

  Explanation for Incorrect Answer E:

  Choice (E) involves the use of a vague pronoun. The sentence is unsatisfactory because the pronoun "which" appears to refer to an entire clause ("Tadpoles... frogs").
