瑞典留學 豐厚的瑞典國家獎學金

2014/07/10 瀏覽次數:24 收藏

【瑞典留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/sweden/) - 瑞典留學獎學金】瑞典留學 豐富的瑞典國度獎學金
   眾人都曉得,經濟危急今後,北歐的大部門國度(瑞典挪威芬蘭丹麥)都開端收取膏火, 真不曉得這些當局能從膏火裏賺到個若幹錢。這還不是要了咱們貧苦門生的命麽?

  原來北歐米飯錢就貴了,如今還受膏火?! 然則天無絕人之路! 本日為眾人具體先容下豐富的瑞典國度獎學金!!!為了勾引一下眾人,在這裏先和眾人分享一下獎學金金額!

瑞典留學 豐厚的瑞典國家獎學金

  假如你得到了該獎學金, 你就真是中獎了! 起首是SI會一次性付出你15,000瑞典克朗(SEK) 的機票用度; 以後在開學後的每月會遭到9000SEK補貼, 換算成國民幣約莫為8662RMB (前段時光匯率還比擬高,瑞典克朗又貶值了麽)。

  除給你供給機票, 免膏火, 每月的生存補貼, SI還為獎學金得到者供給保險,免簽證申請用度; 在瑞典海內有SI資助的運動大概講座, SI都邑報銷交通費和留宿費來勉勵獎學金得到者加入。

  以是眾人還煩懣快盡力, 這麽好的獎學金機遇,怎樣可以錯過?

  固然眾人說瑞典米飯錢也很高啊,這個錢夠不敷呢! 我先告知你,夠,絕對夠!我小我是2013年的獎學金得到者,願望可以或許贊助更多的同窗得到更好的進修和成長機遇。如今咱們言反正傳:

  SI獎學金目標正如其官網所說 “SI strives to build up and develop good, lasting relationships, exchanges and networks with people and institutions in other countries”

  任 何參加SI的獎學金得到者,都是SI Network for future global leaders項目標成員。在來到瑞典時刻,將有機遇去斯德哥爾摩 (固然SI將賣力你的交通和留宿)一年一度的大會。有機會面到來自天下各地的SI獎學金得到者, 和SI的事情職員。(誰人時刻,你真的要去感謝他們!)


  The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships : targeted at highly qualified students from from selected countries around the world. The scholarship is available for master’s degree level programmes.

  Bilateral exchange programmes: offered to nationals of China, Italy, and Japan. Scholarships are awarded for the purpose of research, university studies, or training.


  SI Scholarships for East Europe is available for master’s level studies and open to applicants from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Serbia.

  Swedish-Turkish Programme aims at citizens of Turkey pursuing master’s level or advanced level studies in Sweden in the field of social sciences and law, such as International and European Relations, European Affairs, European Law, or Human Rights Law.

  The Bicentennial Swedish-American Exchange Fund is open to applicants from the U.S. and awards grants for visits in Sweden for two to four weeks. It is specifically intended for professional enrichment.

  The Visby Programme offers scholarships for academic and expert mobility within the Baltic Sea Region and primarily targets master students, PhD students, post-docs and senior scientists from Sweden, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine.

  The North2north student exchange program offers scholarships and tuition fee waivers for Russian students from the universities participating in the University of the Arctic cooperation. The scholarships are available for studies at Luleå University of Technology, Mid Sweden University, Umeå University and Stockholm University.
