【瑞士留學網(https://abroad.hopetrip.com.hk/switzerland/) - 瑞士留學獎學金】瑞士蘇黎世大學全額獎學金
Zurich Graduate School of Economics is offering three full scholarships on outstanding academic merit basis for entry in September 2014. These full scholarships are open to international graduates to enable them to take up their doctoral studies at the Zurich Graduate School of Economics. The UBS Center Scholarships cover living expenses and all fees. The stipend covering living expenses is in line with the guidelines from the Swiss National Science Foundation, which currently stands at CHF 42’000 per year for first year PhD students, increasing to CHF 48’000 per year for third-year and fourth-year PhD students.
蘇黎世經濟學院供給三個全額獎學金,優良的學術代價的基本上,於2014玄月參加。這些全額獎學金是開放的國際卒業生,使他們走上博士的研討在蘇黎世經濟學院。瑞銀中間獎學金米飯錢和全部的用度。助學金籠罩的米飯錢用是由瑞士國度科學基金會的指點,今朝為42瑞士法郎萬每一年為第一年的博士生,增長CHF 48萬每一年為第三年和第四年的博士生。
Study Subject (s): Scholarships are awarded within the Zurich Graduate School of Economics. While preference may be given to students whose research plans include areas of interest of the UBS International Center of Economics in Society, applications from all areas are welcomed.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing doctoral studies at the Zurich Graduate School of Economics.
Scholarship Provider: Zurich Graduate School of Economics, University of Zurich
Scholarship can be taken at: Switzerland
Eligibility: -Scholarships are open to graduates from around the world, they are awarded to candidates on the grounds of outstanding academic merit and continuing support will be subject to satisfactory completion of course work. While preference may be given to students whose research plans include areas of interest of the UBS International Center of Economics in Society, applications from all areas are welcomed.
-Admission to the Zurich Graduate School of Economics is a pre-condition for being considered for a UBS Center Scholarship.
-Scholarship holders are free to choose their supervisor and have no mandatory duties beyond the completion of the course work and their doctorate.
Scholarship Open for International Students: International students can apply for these full scholarships.
Scholarship Description: Every year, the UBS International Center of Economics in Society awards several full scholarships to outstanding international graduates to enable them to take up their doctoral studies at the Zurich Graduate School of Economics.
Number of award(s): Three full scholarships will be awarded for entry in September 2014.
Duration of award(s): These full scholarships will be awarded for a period of four years, subject to satisfactory completion of course work.
What does it cover? The UBS Center Scholarships cover living expenses and all fees. The stipend covering living expenses is in line with the guidelines from the Swiss National Science Foundation, which currently stands at CHF 42’000 per year for first year PhD students, increasing to CHF 48’000 per year for third-year and fourth-year PhD students.
是甚麽呢?瑞銀中間獎學金米飯錢和全部的用度。助學金籠罩的米飯錢用是由瑞士國度科學基金會的指點,今朝為42瑞士法郎萬每一年為第一年的博士生,增長CHF 48萬每一年為第三年和第四年的博士生。
Selection Criteria: These full scholarships will be awarded on outstanding academic merit.