
2015/06/25 瀏覽次數:9 收藏



  1. (表否認)沒有,無,不需。如:

  The letter was posted without a stamp. 那封信沒貼郵票就寄出去了。

  We got there without any trouble. 咱們到了那邊,一起上沒碰到任何貧苦。

  You'll get wet if you go out in the rain without an umbrella. 雨天外出不帶傘會淋濕的。

  I suddenly realized I'd come out without any money. 我忽然意想到,一點兒錢也沒帶就出來了。

  2. (用在no, not, never等否認副詞以後,誇大確定)沒有……不,沒有……則不克不及……,每……一定……。如:

  You can't get rich without taking risks. 人不冒險不富。

  The old man cannot walk without a stick. 那位老師長教師分開拐杖就走不了路。

  Don't go out without a coat: you'll catch your death. 別不穿外衣出去,會得重傷風的。

  I never see this picture without thinking of him. 每次看到這張照片,我都邑想起他。

  3. (與-ing情勢連用)不,無,沒。如:

  She entered the room without knocking. 她沒拍門就進了房間。

  It goes without saying that health is above wealth. 康健勝於財產這個事理是無需多說的。

  They had to stand for hours without changing position. 他們得一動不動地站幾個小時。

  It wasn't very polite of you to serve yourself without asking. 你也不問一聲就本身吃起來是不太規矩的。

  4. (表前提)若無,若非。如:

  I don't like to go to a country without knowing something of the language. 我如果不理解一點誰人國度的說話,就不想到誰人國度去。

  Without water, we cannot live. 沒有水,咱們就活不了。

  Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼鏡能看得清器械嗎?



  She is completely without shame. 她厚顏無恥。

  My investigations were without result. 我的查詢拜訪毫無成果。

  The houses in this village are without water. 這個村莊裏家家戶戶都沒有自來水。

  We were without electricity for three hours but it's on again now. 咱們的電停了3小時,如今又有了。



  1. without+賓語+副詞

  I'd be lost without you here. 沒有你在這兒,我會束手無策。

  I'm very near-sighted without my glasses on. 我如果不戴眼鏡非常近視。

  2. without+賓語+介詞短語

  We'd be better off without them as neighbors. 如果沒有這些鄰人,咱們就過得更高興了。

  I don't like sweet coffee; I like it better without sugar in it. 我不愛好加糖的咖啡,裏邊不加糖我更愛好。

  3. without+賓語+動名詞

  Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window. 無人留意,他從窗戶溜了出去。

  They debated for hours without a decision being taken. 他們爭辯了幾個小時,也沒作出決議。

  4. without+賓語+不定式

  Without anyone to help, how can we go on? 沒有人協助,咱們怎樣能舉行下去?

  It was boring to sit there without anything to do. 無所事事地坐在那邊太無聊了。

  5. without+賓語+曩昔分詞

  Without another word exchanged, they started off. 沒有再攀談一句,他們就動身了。
