
2015/05/22 瀏覽次數:12 收藏


  1. a picky eater 用飯抉剔之人

  2. apple of one's eye 珍重之人(或物),瑰寶

  3. the cold shoulder 對或人冷漠

  4. a slip of the tongue 口誤

  5. a bitter pill to swallow 吞下苦果

  6. an apple a day keeps the doctor away 一天一個蘋果,不消請大夫(常吃生果有利康健)

  7. a piece of cake 輕易做的事(不費吹灰之力)

  8. as fit as a fiddle 異常康健

  9. a big appetite 胃口很好

  10. an adventurous eater 勇敢的門客

  11. bring home the bacon 掙錢養家

  12. bite off more than you can chew 貪多而吃不下(尤指接下過量事情而完不可)

  13. burn the midnight oil 熬夜

  14. be kept in the dark 被蒙在鼓裏

  15. behind the times 過期了,落後了,時時髦

  16. bump into 有時碰著,撞見

  17. burn the candle at both ends 異常勞碌,過分疲憊

  18. cry over spilt milk 反水不收

  19. It is not my cup of tea 非我所愛

  20. the calm before the storm 狂風雨前的鎮靜

  21. born with a silver spoon in your mouth 生於繁華之家,生來享受繁華

  22. by hook or by crook 不擇手腕,不管若何

  23. burn one's bridges 背城借一,自斷後路

  24. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder 戀人眼裏出西施

  25. bite the hand that feeds you 利令智昏

  26. eat like a horse 吃得許多

  27. go to pieces 破裂,懊喪,心碎

  28. go Dutch 各付各的錢

  29. get the axe: 被開除,被解雇

  30. go in one ear and out the other 聽了其實不照辦,左耳朵進右耳朵出

  31. get carried away 忘乎所以,落空理智

  32. give somebody a ring 給或人打手機

  33. give somebody a hand 贊助或人

  34. have your cake and eat it 魚與熊掌兼得

  35. hold your horses 放慢,等一等

  36. high and dry 讓或人墮入逆境

  37. hit the hay 去睡覺

  38. be hot and bothered 焦炙,不安

  39. have one's hands full 很忙

  40. have cold feet 重要