
2015/07/09 瀏覽次數:7 收藏


  1. "Chinese people use trees as chopsticks."

  (拿樹當筷子?這筷子也太大了吧,應當是use trees for making chopsticks吧?因而可知雅思白話中精確應用動詞的主要性。)

  2. "I think environmantal protection is essential but not so important."

  (典範的邏輯淩亂,essential就即是very important,環保是相當主要但是否是那末主要的?......無語......)

  3. "Without electricity, the world would become so dark that a person could not even see a hand in front of his face."

  (缺了相當主要的時光狀語at night!這麽說的話古代人都是一向生存在伸手不見五指的陰郁中的嗎?)

  4. "Watching TV is convenient and people can avoid traffic jam."


  5. "I like writing because it is good for your health."


  6. "My grandmother is 98 years old so she is very pure."


  7. "As we all know, every advantage has its disadvantage."


  8. "The rate of net-cheating has boomed by 1.27% in the past 2 years."

  (說這句話的人必定是雅思圖表作文沒學好。Boom=Increase rapidly,增加1.27%算rapid嗎?應當用climb或edge up。)

  9. "Modern ways of life brings people some healthy diseases."


  10. "My father is a photograph......"


  11. "The data is very astonished!"


  12. "At that time, I was studied at university."

  (“我當時候在大學裏被研討?”你是小白鼠嗎?應當是I was studying at university。)

  13. "Traveling can enlarge our eyesight."

  (旅遊可以或許拓寬咱們的目力?應當是broaden our horizon吧。)

  14. "Today, more and more people are getting old."

  (不是more and more people在變老,是everybody!只要你是地球人都在getting old的......)

  15. ——"Are you a student or are you working now?"

  ——"Oh, in my opinion, I am a student."

  (為何要加in my opinion?難作別人都不認可你是門生?)

  16. "You need some skills, such as a partner, to play table tennis."


  17. "China is a big country, so we have four seasons."


  18. "My boyfriend doesn't fit me."


  19. "To be my friend, you must be like animal !"


  20. "Most Chinese people live in the north,south,east,and west of China."


  21. "I go shopping for sports equipment. For example, I bought a cat yesterday."


  22. "She is a good person, because I know her father."


  23. "As we all know, every corn has its two size!"


  24. "I study in a computer."

  (誰會在電腦裏頭進修?應當是I study with a computer.)

  25. "I want to go to America to learn hotel management so I can take this IELTS test."


  26. "I live in a small city, so it has poor education."

  (劍橋和牛津都是所謂的small city哦!)

  27. "I come from a small village-Xi'an."


  28. "As we all know, people can't live without life."


  29. "Dancing is an indispensable part of people's lives."


  30. "Young people don't like old buildings because old people go there."

  (同窗,就這麽恨old people嗎?)
