
2015/07/21 瀏覽次數:14 收藏

  7月21日CNN聽力:美黑鷹直升機飛翔練習時墜毀 大霧或成直接緣故原由

  It's field trip season here at CNN Center.

  And I want to thank Eagles Landing ChristianAcademy for visiting yesterday.

  It was great meeting you.

  Our first story this Thursday centers on the FloridaPanhandle.

  A U.S. Defense official says a Blackhawk helicopter,like this one, crashed during a training mission on Tuesday night.

  Within hours, searchers found debris around an island near Eglin Air Force Base.

  The seven U.S. Marines and four Army air crew aboard the chopper were presumed dead.

  There was heavy fog in the area where the aircraft crashed.

  But a military spokeswoman says it's too early to tell if that's what caused the accident.

  A second helicopter traveling with it returned safely to base.

  General Martin Dempsey, the highest ranking member of the military, says this is a reminderthat those who serve put themselves at risk, both in training and in combat.

  The U.S. Congress is considering whether to approve President Obama's request for militaryaction against the ISIS terrorist group.

  It had its first hearing on the request yesterday.

  The president's plan puts a three year limit on military force against ISIS.

  The next president would have to get Congress' approval for anything longer than that.

  And it says there will be no enduring offensive ground combat for U.S. troops.

  That's language that's been criticized as unclear from some Democratic and Republicanlawmakers.
