
2015/08/06 瀏覽次數:3 收藏

  China's SDR push raises prospect of shift into renminbi assets

  The turbulence in the Chinese stock market — where heavy support operations by the Chinese authorities seemed to be turning the tide up to this week’s renewed weakness — is an unpromising backcloth for one of Beijing’s priorities in the international economic field.

  China’s aim is to bring the renminbi into the special drawing right, the currency unit of the International Monetary Fund, under a review process due to be concluded at the end of the year. Introducing the Chinese money into the SDR — joining the dollar, euro, yen and sterling — could enhance the SDR’s attractiveness for borrowers and investors. But, as an artificial currency that needs to be “decomposed” into its parts before it can be traded on financial markets, the SDR has never caught investors’ favour.

  For the SDR to gain momentum in borrowing and investment, it would need to become a currency in its own right, similar to the development of the European currency unit, used in the bond markets from the late 1970s onwards. The Ecu’s bond deployment accelerated in the 1990s as the countdown to the transformation into the euro got under way. An analogous journey for the SDR looks unlikely.

  A more likely bond market beneficiary of a wider SDR would be the renminbi itself. In the short run, a positive decision on the SDR and the renminbi would probably prompt a further $100bn worth of official buying of renminbi-denominated assets. Longer term, the figure would be much greater — raising the question of how supply of good-quality renminbi assets could be increased to meet this extra demand.

  By contrast to the artificial SDR, the renminbi is becoming much more real for investors around the world. A decision on the Chinese currency’s inclusion in the SDR will depend on the IMF’s assessment of the renminbi’s free usability on world financial markets and in official transactions. Although Beijing is progressively making the renminbi more convertible for capital transactions, the Chinese authorities are keeping capital controls in place, for fear that undue liberalisation would harm financial stability. The vast share purchases by the state-owned China Securities Finance Corporation, along with restrictions on share selling implemented to stem the June market rout, might be seen as interfering with the renminbi’s usability.

  Approval for renminbi inclusion would be of enormous symbolic value to Beijing, reinforcing its effort to turn the renminbi into an international hard currency and to challenge western dominance of global monetary governance. More specifically, it could trigger a large shift of global institutional assets into renminbi.

  The renminbi’s sharp rise on world currency markets — up 13 per cent in real (inflation-adjusted) trade-weighted terms over the past 12 months — is a key factor, explaining why the IMF now says the currency is fairly valued internationally. Already, the renminbi has become de facto a reserve currency. On rough calculations, there may be about $100bn of renminbi reserves in central bank holdings, about half the total held in Canadian and Australian dollars, according to IMF estimates. On this basis, an SDR inclusion decision could spark a further $100bn worth of renminbi purchases by central banks. This is not a huge figure compared with the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum estimate of global official sector assets of $30tn, and daily foreign exchange turnover estimated by the Bank for International Settlements at $5.3tn. But shifts of this nature would be a milestone, especially if such movements follow in the private sector.

  The overall renminbi bond market, including public and private sector debt, is estimated at about Rmb35.9tn, says Goldman Sachs, the third-largest after the US and Japan. There may be a shortage of renminbi-denominated investable assets for world central banks in coming years. Chinese government borrowers are unlikely to generate significant issuance in coming years. So part of the demand from worldwide central banks may have to come from renminbi issuance by top-rated agencies such as the World Bank as well as sovereign governments, where the British government gave a lead last year with a Rmb3bn issue.

  If the renminbi enters the SDR, expect more such bonds from western governments in coming years.





  與工資樹立的SDR泉幣分歧的是,國民幣對全球的投資者正變得加倍真實。將國民幣納入SDR的決議,將取決於IMF對國民幣在環球金融市場和官方生意業務中自由可用水平的評估。固然中國當局正在鼎力進步本錢項面前目今國民幣的可兌換性,但因為擔憂過分自由化會損害金融穩固性,中國政府仍在實行本錢管束。為阻攔6月份股市的狂跌,國有的中國證券金融公司(China Securities Finance Corporation)買入大批股票的行動,和中國當局對股票兜售的限定,均可能被視為滋擾國民幣可用性的行動。


  國民幣在環球外匯市場的急劇升值也是個主要身分,說明了為什麽IMF現在會表現國民幣在國際上獲得了準確估值。曩昔12個月內,國民幣經通脹調劑後的現實商業加權匯率上升了13%。今朝,國民幣已成為一種究竟上的貯備泉幣。依據IMF的估量,在列國央行持有的資產中,大略估算約莫有1000億美元的國民幣貯備資產,約為加拿大元和澳元貯備資產總量的一半。而將國民幣納入SDR的決議,大概會在此基本上,進一步匆匆使列國央行再買入代價1000億美元的國民幣資產。今朝,官方泉幣與金融機構論壇(Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum)對環球官方部分的資產範圍估量為30萬億美元,而國際清理銀行(Bank for International Settlements)對環球逐日外匯成交量的估量則為5.3萬億美元。與它們比擬,1000億美元其實不算個大數字。但是,國民幣這一屬性上的轉變會成為一個裏程碑,特別是假如私家部分也隨即采用一樣舉動的話。

  高盛(Goldman Sachs)表現,包含大眾部分債券和私營部分債券在內,國民幣債券市場的整體範圍估量為約莫35.9萬億元國民幣,是僅次於美國和日本的環球第三大債市。往後幾年內,對付環球央行來講,大概會湧現以國民幣計價的可投資資產缺乏的征象。往後幾年,中國當局部分的乞貸方不太大概刊行許多債券。是以,環球央行需求的一部門,大概將不能不由天下銀行(World Bank)及各主權當局等評級最高的機構刊行的國民幣債券來知足。個中,英國當局客歲帶頭刊行了30億元國民幣的債券。
