
2015/08/13 瀏覽次數:8 收藏


  How about this for an idea? Should refugees begiven their very own country? A territory which willprovide a new homeland purely for refugees fromaround the world? That’s the suggestion made byUS real estate tycoon. He set up a website calledrefugee nation where he suggests creating a brandnew country, quote “which any refugee from anywhere in the world can call home.” Such ascheme could prove a huge challenge with the UN estimating that there are currently justunder 20 million refugees worldwide.

  We think of the world as overpopulated. The truth is that cities are overpopulated, but there isa lot of open space. So I propose a number of island countries that would all have to be on avoluntary basis. So we are not gonna force any countries to accept refugees if they don’t wantto. But for instance, in the Philippines, a beautiful country that I visited, when I was there,somebody tried to sell me a small island for relatively modest sum of 200,000 dollars. And Idon’t know how many people could live on that island, maybe 30, 40, 50 people comfortably. Sothey have thousands of uninhabited islands. There’s also countries that have a lot of unusedspace that may agree to sell it off. The more prosperous countries like Euro country and mycountry would probably not be an ideal location because it’s just not politically viable right now.First of all, it will all be voluntary. If you are a refugee and you are living in a refugee camp withyour family. You can’t work right now. You are not a citizen. You don’t have full and equalrights.

  They often want a new life and some of the starts that Europe can give them. Are you talkingabout a brand new state where there would be that infrastructure and help available forpeople to start a new life?

  No, you would establish the infrastructure. You know, a new country, when you are buildingroads, and you are building bridges and you are building telephone towers and electric stations,you are creating a lot of infrastructure and that creates a lot of jobs.

  We’ve seen many historical presidents have attempts to create new nations from Liberia toIsrael for some of the purposes. Firstly, it’s worth remembering that refugees are not the same.They still have citizenship of their country of origin. And often their preferred solution is to tryto go home when the situation in the country of origin has changed. People actually want to gohome. And that’s usually why 95% of the world’s refugees are in a country that neighbors thecountry of origin. If we simply move them to another part of the world, they wouldn’t have thatpossibility.
