
2015/08/19 瀏覽次數:3 收藏


  曩昔幾年是片子迷的美妙時間。由於諸如《復仇者同盟》(Avengers)和《陰郁騎士》(The Dark Knight)這種片子非常勝利,改編滑稽連環畫已從在夾縫中生計的狀態成長到掌握票房市場的水平。科幻片子就像《普羅米修斯》(Prometheus)裏所出現那樣,持續冒險。從近幾年奧斯卡絕佳影片的候選影片來看,從奮發民氣到心傷悲痛,各種影片包羅萬象。但是,咱們以為當代片子界天經地義的事,很多都深深植根於曩昔幾十年湧現的片子。


  縱然是最自持的成年人也能活潑地記起在片子院瞥見的性感實足的鏡頭。從《開放的美國粹府》(Fast Times at Ridgemont High)裏的菲比·凱茨(Phoebe Cates)到《黑蛇呻吟》(Black Snake Moan)裏的克裏斯蒂娜·裏奇(Christina Ricci),性開端成為片子必弗成少的元素。

  固然,凡事都有出發點。自從裸體赤身在片子裏湧現以後,就成了片子院的一部門;然則有很長一段時光,因為像《海斯法案》(Hays Code)如許基於品德的政策非常嚴苛,片子制片人不能不與之頻仍較勁。但在20世紀60年月,片子開端挑釁這些對性和袒露身材的約束。性笑劇《誓!誓!》因此一名明星赤身出鏡——本片中是傑恩·曼斯菲爾德(Jayne Mansfield)——的第一部主要片子。只管此前小型影片(經常無聲)也有赤身鏡頭,但這部電影使應用性讓片子更賣座的做法正當化,也使這位赤身明星名聲大噪。沒有這部片子,大概就沒有《美國派》(American Pie)和《一晚上大肚》(Knocked Up)如許低俗的性笑劇了,也不會發生這一代控制敲擊停息鍵藝術的人——瞥見他們愛好的鏡頭就按停息。


  當影片演職表滾屏時,有一件事項得一覽無余:觀眾已習氣堅持坐姿了。對當代觀眾而言,這很大水平上是由於《鋼鐵俠》(Iron Man)人員名單背面的"思丁格"——回報觀眾迷戀仿徨的分外鏡頭。隨後漫威(Marvel)旗下全部片子,另有其他不相幹的片子都采取了這個方法。

  然則,漫威並不是這個創意的首創者。這可以追溯到詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)的第二部影片:《俄羅斯之戀》(From Russia With Love)——這部片子向觀眾包管在演人員表背面"詹姆斯·邦德會返來"——這類做法連續到了如今。現實上,片子末端的第一個"思丁格"在最第一版本的《十一羅漢》中出現了西納特拉(Sinatra)、戴維斯(Davis)和別的海員在拉斯維加斯街上散步的畫面。與本日的追求送給觀眾欣喜的"思丁格"比擬,這相稱平和。然則假如他不在林蔭大道上閑逛,咱們大概永久看不見塞繆爾·L·傑克遜(Samuel L. Jackson)告知小羅伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)"復仇者行為"(The Avengers Initiative)的事。



  眾人都曉得《星球大戰》開首著名的"爬行字幕"——黃色字母吸引了觀眾,把觀眾帶入他們將旁觀的太空大戲,然後卷起來,消逝在茫茫宇宙中。只管這厥後成了貿易標記,"導演協會"(Director's Guild)其時一點兒也不愛好這個設法主意。相反,他們敕令喬治·盧卡斯在片頭出現演人員表,由於這是幾十年來的傳統。盧卡斯謝絕讓步,告退前直接向"導演協會"繳了劃定的罰款。時光讓盧卡斯笑到了末了。《星球大戰》易如反掌得到勝利,這象征著環球的片子制造人今後都邑借用它的模式,包含移掉片子開首的人員名單。終極,盧克·天行者不但搗毀了"滅亡之星":他還讓你今後在片子開端前坐上5分鐘看演人員表的概率降為零。






  迪斯尼沒有心灰意懶,經由過程假貸湊齊了支撐他的幻想所必需的150萬美元資金。正如咱們如今曉得的那樣,這場賭局發生了回報:在艱苦的大冷落時代,這部片子發明了800萬美元票房,還激發了動畫範疇裏的一場革命。它不但為今後的動畫公司(好比漢納-巴貝拉(Hannah-Barbera)、皮克斯(Pixar)和唐·布魯茲出品(Don Bluth Productions))供給了基本,它還首創了CGI動畫奇跡——這個帝國末了將掌握主題公園——和如《星球大戰》那樣的重磅級的授權作品,另有漫威。


  The last few years have been a good time to be a movie fan. Comic book adaptations have gone from a doomed niche market to dominating the box office due to the success of movies like Avengers and The Dark Knight, and science fiction continues to take risks, as seen in Prometheus. The contenders for the Best Picture Oscar in recent years have shown that there is no shortage of dramas that range from the heartening to the heartrending. However, many of the aspects of modern film that we take for granted have long roots in the movies of decades past.

  10.Promises! Promises!

  Even the most reserved individual can vividly remember the sexiest scenes they have seen in the cinema. From Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High to Christina Ricci in Black Snake Moan, sex has spiced up film forever.

  Of course, it had to start somewhere. Nudity has been a part of cinema since its inception, but for a long time, filmmakers had to wrestle with restrictive morality-based policies such as the Hays Code. In the 1960s, however, movies were beginning to challenge those restrictions on sex and nudity.Sex comedy Promises! Promises! was the first major motion picture to feature a major star—in this case, Jayne Mansfield—appearing nude. While there had been nudity in smaller (and often silent) movies before, this movie helped legitimize the use of sex to sell a film and fuel the fame of the naked star. Without this movie, there would have been no raunchy sex comedies like American Pie or Knocked Up, nor a generation who mastered the art of hitting the pause button at strategic moments of their favorite scenes.

  9.Ocean's 11

  When the credits start rolling, one thing becomes abundantly clear: Audiences have been trained to stay seated. For modern audiences, that is largely due to Iron Man's post-credits "stinger," which is an extra scene that rewards fans for sticking around. All of Marvel's subsequent releases and many other unrelated films have followed suit.

  However, Marvel hardly pioneered this idea. It goes all the way back to James Bond's second film, From Russia With Love, which promised audiences after the credits that "James Bond would return," a practice that continues to this day.The first film stinger, however, came from the original Ocean's 11, which showed Sinatra, Davis, and the rest of the crew sauntering down a street in Las Vegas. Compared to the modern-day "stingers" that seek to surprise to viewers, this was pretty mild, but without Ol' Blue Eyes roaming down the boulevard, we might have never seen Samuel L. Jackson telling Robert Downey Jr. about The Avengers Initiative.

  8.Star Wars

  Star Wars revolutionized filmmaking in uncountable ways, raising the bar for special effects, creative use of practical sets, and sci-fi storytelling. In the midst of all of this, one its chief contributions to cinema is often overlooked: the simple act of playing the credits at the end of the movie instead of the beginning.

  Everyone recognizes the movie's famous opening "crawl," the yellow letters that catch viewers up to the space drama they are about to watch before scrolling into the vastness of space. Though it would later become an icon, the Director's Guild did not like this idea at all at the time. They ordered George Lucas to display the credits of the cast and crew appear before the film instead, as had been the tradition for decades. Lucas refused to budge and simply paid the required fine to the Guild before resigning.Time gave Lucas the last laugh. The runaway success of Star Wars meant that filmmakers all over the world would be borrowing its formulas forever, including the elimination of credits at the beginning of the movie. Ultimately, Luke Skywalker didn't just blow up the Death Star: He blew up the chances that you'll ever have to sit through five minutes of credits before your movie begins.

  7.Deep Throat

  Deep Throat was, of course, not the first pornographic movie, but it did define what the modern consumer would consider one. Before this film, most pornos consisted of only about 10 minutes of footage, which was looped repeatedly to create the impression of a longer film. Moreover, such films were mostly viewed in stores selling adults books or adult clubs.

  With its campy plot and nearly hour-long running time, Deep Throat made pornography more mainstream. Going out to see the movie was considered a fashionable date activity, and the sight of normal-looking couples heading into normal-looking theaters to see a pornographic movie made pornography more acceptable. If porn didn't already seem hip to young people, the sight of the federal authorities trying to confiscate reels of film and shut down theaters showing it appealed to rebellious young people, solidifying pornography's place as another spoke in the wheels of the sexual revolution.

  6.Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs

  Contrary to persistent rumors, Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was not the first animated feature, major or otherwise. However, it was the first animated feature film produced in both English and Technicolor, and it represented an intense level of risk for Walt Disney. At the time, many people, including his wife, assumed that audiences had neither the time nor the patience to sit through a cartoon movie.

  Undeterred, Disney borrowed most of the $1.5 million necessary to finance his vision. As we know now, the gamble paid off: The movie made $8 million during the height of the Great Depression and heralded a revolution in animation. Not only did it provide the foundation for later animation companies (such as Hannah-Barbera, Pixar, and Don Bluth Productions), it launched CGI animation, the empire that would eventually dominate theme parks, and mega-hit franchises like Star Wars and Marvel.