
2015/08/24 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  Ian Schrager, the Bronx-born, Brooklyn-raised hotelier, will unveil his latest property, the New York Edition, in the landmark Metropolitan Life Tower on Madison Avenue on May 11.

  Mr. Schrager, who first came to prominence with Studio 54 in the 1970s, is collaborating with Marriott International on Edition brand hotels. There are three — in London, Istanbul and Miami Beach — and soon there will be one in West Hollywood, Calif.

  “We have a bunch of Editions going all over the place, some in China and one in Reykjavik, Iceland,” said Mr. Schrager, the creative force behind some of the world’s most stylish hotels, including Morgans in New York, the Sanderson in London, the Delano in Miami Beach and the Mondrian in Los Angeles.

  His book “Ian Schrager: Works” was released earlier this month. Following are edited excerpts from an interview with him at his new hotel.

  Q. What can you tell us about the new Edition?

  A. It’s inspired by New York City’s turn-of-the-20th-century private clubs, Fifth Avenue’s Gilded Age mansions and Stanford White’s architectural masterpieces. Guests come into a dark oak-paneled foyer, like an upscale New York apartment building in the 1920s. It’s a fusion of old and modern. We have this sculptural spiral staircase. We are still in this neutral palette of taupes, ivory and white. But this is probably the last time we’ll do a neutral palette.

  Neutrals are one of your signatures. Why the change?

  I think I’ve taken it as far as it can go. It will still be simple. A quiet luxury. A new luxury. The sensibility will not change. But the second New York Edition [in Times Square; scheduled to open in 2017] will be black and white. We don’t want to run the risk of repeating.

  Why alter a successful formula?

  I have to keep moving and reinventing myself. Because I am in the theater business, I have to keep pulling rabbits out of a hat. I don’t want to have a “look.” I’ve done three or four hotels with this kind of design vocabulary for different cities.

  How are you mixing old with new at the Madison Avenue hotel?

  We will have pops of color on seat cushions, and maybe an ornate Baroque mirror. We want to take a little bit of the decorative ornateness we have on the second floor and bring it down to the lobby, but still be simple. When we did Gramercy Park Hotel we had Julian [Schnabel] do the lobby and he’s a maximalist, and we had John Pawson do the apartments and he is a minimalist, but to me they work together in spirit.

  The New York Edition seems to have a relaxed, laid-back vibe.

  The whole idea is to have it feel like you are staying in the guest room of a private home, rather than a hotel room. The [30-foot-long, hand-forged] steel fireplace in the lobby is very personal to me. The idea came right out of my apartment. In the rooms, you can see my bed, but it’s higher, and has a classic motif, English library. This [points to a lamp] comes out of my house in Southampton. I love the room. This is my aesthetic. This is my sensibility. You can’t really improve on this as far as I’m concerned.

  Will there be a night life and bar component?

  Yes, there’ll be a restaurant on the second floor overlooking Madison Square Park, by London’s hottest young chef, Jason Atherton. We have three intimate dining rooms — each room only fits about 30 people — a parlor with a billiard table and a library serving cocktails. Each room has its own color and theme, with velvet chairs and banquettes in rose, green and blue, and modernist, large chandeliers.

  What’s different with hotels from when you started?

  I think the distinction between personal life and business life is kind of blurry now. The new generation business hotel is where you network and do business, in the same way you went to play golf at a golf club in the country, but at a city business hotel.

  You had a very positive response to Miami Beach Edition. Is it a hard act to follow?

  Miami was kind of a spectacle and had so much muscle behind it — an outdoor area, a skating rink, a nightclub — we don’t have that here. I was concerned about it. I didn’t want it to be a letdown. I wanted New York to be a jewel box. To be really sophisticated and it is. It has a modern sensibility even though some of the things here are more than 100 years old. It doesn’t have a look, it has a sensibility. It’s a cool place, playful with young energy.

  What is young now?

  Young at heart. I’m 68! If you are lucky you don’t lose that.

  5月11日,布朗克斯出身、布魯克林長大的旅店謀劃人伊恩·施拉格(Ian Schrager)開幕了本身的最新地產——紐約艾迪遜旅店(New York Edition)。它座落在麥迪遜大道的地標修建大都邑人壽保險大樓(Metropolitan Life Tower)裏。

  70年月,施拉格憑仗Studio 54俱樂部申明鵲起。現在,他和萬豪國際旅店團體(Marriott International)聯袂打造艾迪遜品牌旅店。今朝的三家分店分離處於倫敦、伊斯坦布爾和邁阿密海灘,很快在加利福尼亞州的西好萊塢也會開一家。


  5月初,他宣布了新書《伊恩·施拉格:作品》(Ian Schrager: Works)。如下是在他的紐約新旅店舉行的采訪,經由了剪輯濃縮。


  答:它的靈感來自於19世紀與20世紀之交的紐約私家俱樂部、第五大道上的鍍金時期大廈,和斯坦福·懷特(Stanford White)的修建佳構。來賓們來到鑲著深色橡木板的門廳,就像走進20年月的紐約高級公寓大樓。它是經典與當代的聯合。旅店內有一座雕塑般的扭轉樓梯。咱們仍舊采取了灰褐色、象牙色和白色等中性色調。不外,這很多是咱們末了一次采取中性色調了。






  答:咱們的座墊會迸發出美麗的顏色,大概會配上華美的巴洛克鏡子。咱們想把二樓的華美裝潢用幾分到大堂上,不外仍會顯得很簡練。做格拉梅西公園旅店(Gramercy Park Hotel)時,咱們聘任了朱利安(朱利安·施納貝爾[Julian Schnabel])來計劃大堂,約翰·波森(John Pawson)來計劃客房。前者是極多主義者,後者是極簡主義者,但我認為他們的精力實質是調和的。




  答:是的,二層有家餐廳,可以鳥瞰麥迪遜廣場公園,由倫敦最熱點的年青大廚賈森·阿瑟頓(Jason Atherton)主持。咱們有三間私密餐館,每間只容納30人上下。另有一個台球廳和一間供給雞尾酒的藏書樓。每間餐館有本身的顏色和主題,裏頭安置了天鵝絨椅子,玫瑰色、綠色和藍色的長條軟座,和具備當代感的枝形大吊燈。





