
2015/09/06 瀏覽次數:5 收藏


  同道們好!Greetings, comrades!

  同道們辛勞啦!Comrades, you are working hard!


  首長好!Greetings, leader!

  為國民辦事!We serve the people!



  NO.1 毛主席萬歲

  Long live Chairman Mao! 超等經典的赤色英文,誰人年月屬於怙恃的影象。

  NO.2 中華國民共和國萬歲

  Long live the People's Republic of China! 據上句依樣畫葫蘆出的赤色經典。

  NO.3 中國共產黨萬歲

  Long live the Communist Party of China! “赤色英文”三大經典例句之一。

  由此可得,一樣平常文中觸及到“萬歲”,起首"long live"前置,背面直接跟名詞或名詞詞組,

  如:國民萬歲 Long live the people,故國萬歲 Long live the motherland,各族國民大聯結萬歲 Long live the great unity of the people of (Chinese) ethnic groups.

  NO.4 報效國度,辦事國民

  Serve the country, serve the people. 貌似咱們從小就將此話爛熟於心。

  NO.5 舉國同心,眾擎易舉

  Unite as one to overcome difficulties. 產生龐大事宜時消息必用話術之一。

  NO.6 時候預備著

  Constantly prepared 從少先隊員開端,就一向誇大著的一句話。

  NO.7 科教興國

  Science and education strengthens the nation. 教科書式的台詞,也是真諦。

  NO.8 改造開放

  Reform and opening-up 小平爺爺提出的國度目標政策,今後社會更趨多元化。

  NO.9 強盛民主文明協調

  Prosperous and strong, democratic, culturally-developed and harmonious 政治汗青書上的術語。

  NO.10 保護天下寧靜

  Uphold world peace.上升到天下的高度,特別記著"uphold"。