
2015/09/08 瀏覽次數:4 收藏



  For the urban researcher, the long lives of ancient cities can provide ample chronological data, making up for the paucity stemming from relative ______ of most present-day cities

  謎底:E. youthfulness

  The benefits offered by information technology do not (i)______ the need for individual reasoning: for example, Internet users should not allow the reasoning process to be (ii)_____ the mere accumulation of raw data.

  謎底:diminish/ supplanted by


  ① 第一空格表現的是”信息技巧(information technology)”並無怎樣對付“小我推理(individual reasoning)”。

  ②第二空格表現的是internet,users不許可“推理進程(the reasoning process)”被”原始數據的積聚(the mere accumulation of raw data)”,這裏實在“原始數據積聚”便是“信息技巧”同義調換。

  ③ 以是經由對付空格屬性的剖析,咱們發明兩空格應填入一對同義觀點,咱們要從兩組選項中選取出來公道的一對詞便可,只有diminish與supplanted by相符推理。


  第一個section 第一篇瀏覽文章原文翻譯以下:

  Matisse的畫, 因為它驚人的直接和謎一樣平常的深度, 為剖析它們的人造成為了許多困惑和不解。 當Hilary Spurling在The Piano Lesson中寫下 “繪畫不可以或許被範圍於任何一種零丁的起源大概寄義當中”時, 她大概便是在說Matisse的作品。因為Picasso的作品是由傳統的標記拼貼而成,因此用傳統的圖象剖析辦法剖析Picasso的作品要比剖析Matisse的作品輕易很多。類似地,Picasso和Braque的立體主義(cubism), 固然否認了傳統的視角, 然則仍舊能用研討傳統範例的對象, 作為傳統範例的不和來研討。 然則Matisse給出的器械老是不同凡響, 而且平日與任何思惟體系都不相幹。直覺是他獨一的體系。

  7.The passage suggests which of the following about Braque’s cubism

  (A)It lends itself more readily to systematic analysis than does Matisse’s work.

  (B)It is more radical in terms of form than most paintings by Matisse.

  (C)It was influenced by Matisse’s idiosyncratic and intuitive approach.

  (D)It cannot be confined to any single source or meaning

  (E)It is overly dependent on traditional signs and symbols.


  Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

  8.The passage identifies which of the following as a reason that Matisse’s art can confound analysis

  ATraditional analytical tools are not well suited to Matisse’s art.

  BMatisse’s art is marked by a freedom from systematic influence.

  CThe norms that Picasso and Braque rejected were not ones that Matisse rejected



  改造政治競選的難點並非咱們缺乏權力對象,而是須要把改造交給那些impartial agents: the goal should be to build capacity while __.B. constrainingD. deterring
