
2015/10/15 瀏覽次數:8 收藏




  這位警官將菲利克斯丟在了Zeta團體的一個立足處。接下來的一周裏他被毒打、被用槍把毆打,並在他們向他家裏打手機索要贖金時被重復電擊。綁匪在他眼前將Gulf 團體的成員熬煎致死,並告知他假如他的家人不克不及湊夠錢,他的運氣將會和那人同樣。家人們終極匯了5000美元曩昔,而這還不敷--綁匪們請求再匯一次一樣多的錢。在幾個月裏菲利克斯被周轉於數個立足之地,偶然和許多犯人配合關在狹窄而悶熱的房間裏。毆打按期產生,滅亡隨時大概產生;末了,他們認為從他身上榨不出錢了,就把他打得半死扔在了街上。他花了數月才病愈,但最少能在世報告這些悲涼遭受--不像其他許多人,從墨西哥陌頭消逝後再也沒返來。






  他於當天晚上8:30被申報失落,但搜救事情因暴風大雪的氣象緣故原由只能連續到越日清晨2:30, 保羅固然也只能煎熬下去。暴風咆哮,溫度驟降至零度,搜救事情在拂曉時分從新開端,此次調集了更多人力,另有一架飛機。一個地域北極貓(摩托車品牌)經銷商老板和他的兒子--他們介入了大型搜刮部隊--在那天淩晨快8點時認出了翻倒的雪上摩托車。直到保羅被救起時,他已在如許致命的情況中被困跨越20小時--咱們得重申,他是頭被壓住--而且明顯飽受低體溫與凍傷的苦楚,但終極他照樣完整病愈。








  5.Felix--Survived: Kidnapping, torture by Mexican drug cartel

  The activities of the Mexican drug cartels are marked by a profound lack of value placed on human life. Scores of people have died in fighting between the Zeta and Gulf cartels, and scores more innocents—journalists, bloggers, police, migrants—have been caught in the crossfire. Many police assist the cartels rather than be executed, and in many parts of Mexico there is no law BUT the cartels, and there is no safety. It was in one of these regions that a 20 year-old man who identified himself as "Felix" to the press was picked up by a police officer while walking alone one night, the beginning of a long and brutal nightmare.

  The officer left Felix at a Zeta cartel safe house, and for the next week he was beaten, pistol whipped and shocked while repeated calls were made to his family for ransom. His captors tortured Gulf cartel members to death in front of him, and told him he would share their fate if his family couldn't scrape together any money; they eventually wired $5000, which wasn't enough—they demanded the same amount again.For a couple of months Felix was shuttled around to a half dozen safe houses, sometimes sharing small, sweltering rooms with dozens of other prisoners. Beatings were regular, deaths were common; eventually, figuring no more money was forthcoming, Felix was beaten within an inch of his life and dumped on the street. His recovery took months, but he lived to tell the tale—unlike so many others who disappear from the Mexican streets and never return.

  4.Bahia Bakari--Survived: Plane crash into Indian Ocean (sole survivor)

  If one of your worst nightmares is not being aboard a plane crashing in the dead of night in the middle of the ocean, come back when you've seen the first half hour of the film "Cast Away" and we'll discuss it again. It's hard to imagine a more terrifying experience, and very few live to tell about it—but one 14 year-old French girl did, when 152 others were not so lucky.

  Yemenia Flight 626, an Airbus A310, plunged into the Indian Ocean around two in the morning of June 30, 2009. Young Bahia Bakari was ejected from the plane, and—despite having no life jacket and not being a very good swimmer—was able to stay afloat by clinging to a piece of debris from the plane's fuselage. She would later say that there must have initially been other survivors, as she could hear their voices in the chaos after the crash, but that all the voices had eventually faded away.She realized she was alone as the sun rose, and it wasn't until around 11 in the morning—nine hours after the crash—that she was discovered by a civilian vessel that had been enlisted to help search for survivors. Bahia was the only one that the search effort would yield; her mother was among the dead, but her father had not been aboard the plane. She was suffering from a fractured pelvis and broken collarbone, among other things, and was released from the hospital three weeks later.

  3.Paul Lessard--Survived: Being trapped for 20 hours in freezing creek

  It must have seemed to 64 year-old Paul Lessard that circumstances had conspired to make sure he wasn't getting out of his predicament alive. He had been out snowmobiling in the Maine wilderness alone and had turned the machine over; his head was pinned underneath its heavy storage rack, making it difficult to move unless he wanted to break his neck. It was very cold even though it was the middle of the afternoon, and to make matters worse, the majority of his body was lying in a freezing creek. Then the sun began to go down, and the temperature REALLY began to be a factor in Paul's continued survival.

  He was reported missing around 8:30 that night, but the search could only continue until about 2:30 in the morning due to heavy snow and wind, which of course Paul was having to endure. Temperatures plummeted to right around zero degrees with the wind chill, and the search effort resumed at dawn with additional manpower and a plane.The owner of a local Arctic Cat dealership and his son—part of the extensive search party—spotted the overturned snowmobile shortly before eight that morning. By the time Paul was freed he'd spent over 20 hours trapped in these deadly conditions—we reiterate, trapped by his head—and was obviously suffering from hypothermia and frostbite, but eventually made a full recovery.

  2.Jake Finkbonner--Survived: Flesh-eating bacterial infection

  In February 2006, five year-old Jake Finkbonner was playing in a Pee-Wee League basketball game—the last game of the season. In the final minute of that game, he was pushed from behind and split his lip on the base of the basketball hoop. It would have just been his first fat lip, but the surface of this base contained a deadly surprise—the bacteria Strep A, and within the next couple of days, Jake's stunned parents were listening to doctors telling them that their son was probably going to die.

  Strep A is a flesh-eating bacteria, and it entered through the open wound on Jake's mouth and literally began to consume his face. His doctors described it as being "like lighting one end of a parchment paper, and you just watch it spread from that corner very fast, and you're stamping it on one side, and it's flaming up on another… it's almost as if you could watch it moving in front of your eyes". Jake's family, being Catholic, had last rites administered and asked for friends and family to pray to Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, a Mohawk Indian who converted to Catholicism (Jake is half Lummi Indian).Unbelievably, the infection slowed—and then stopped. It has taken countless skin grafts and other surgical procedures to restore Jake's face, but flesh-eating bacterial infection is not something that ordinarily just subsides—unless the patient is dead. Many patients die within 24 hours of a diagnosis; Jakes's recovery was unlikely enough that Kateri, who was beatified in 1980, is now being considered by the Catholic Church for sainthood—said recovery potentially being the miracle that qualifies her.

  1.Timothy Brown--Survived: AIDS, after being infected in early '90s (First known cured patient)

  In the late 1980s and early '90s, an HIV diagnosis was a death sentence. Some early drugs could slow its progression to AIDS, but none could stop it, and once AIDS manifested in a patient, the end was nigh—and it wouldn't be very long.

  That is no longer so, especially with early diagnosis, with modern drugs. But when Timothy Brown was diagnosed with HIV in 1995, retroviral medications were still at a point where they could usually extend life, but not indefinitely. Brown responded well to treatment, but became ill in 2005 and was diagnosed with leukemia.Chemotherapy made his already-compromised immune system more susceptible to infection, and he developed pneumonia during the second round; during the third, there was a bout with sepsis, and his doctors realized that chemotherapy was likely to kill him. That's when Dr. Gero Hutter simply decided to take a shot at a procedure nobody had ever tried before.He gave Brown a stem cell transplant to treat his leukemia, but instead of choosing a matching donor, he chose one with a special and desired quality—what's known as a CCR5 mutation, a rare genetic disorder that makes one's cells resistant to HIV. Not only did the transplant take, it had ALL of the desired effects—it cured the leukemia, and unbelievably, the HIV as well.That is to say, Timothy Brown was once infected with HIV AND leukemia, two diseases that are lethal the vast majority of the time, and he is now infected with neither. He hasn't taken retroviral drugs since the day of the procedure, and while the treatment he underwent is too risky and expensive to be standard, he is nevertheless now referred to as "The Berlin Patient"—the first known person to be cured of HIV.