sat OG中出現的經典考點

2015/10/15 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

  sat OG中湧現的經典考點!備考sat測驗,考生們要有重點的舉行備考,本日小編為列位考生先容一下sat OG中湧現的經典考點,願望對列位考生有贊助。

  sat語法is題型裏,一個常見的考點:fragment 破裂句。

  回想這個考點的說明是:A sentence fragment is a statement that cannot stand alone as a sentence. A sentence fragment may be lacking a subject, a verb , or both. It might even contain words that look like subjects and verbs.咱們常見的句子構造是:

  1 .S ,…, which/who/conj. … .

  2. S ,…, doing /done .


  例:OG –TEST1-2

  2. Sir Ronald Ross, winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, and who identified the Anopheles mosquito as the transmitter of human malaria.

  (A) and who identified

  (B) he has identified

  (C) and he has identified

  (D) and who is identifying

  (E) identified

  剖析:主語Sir Ronald Ross,背面逗號逗號之間插入了名詞短語的同位語,劃線部門開端應當是銜接主語的謂語身分,而原句是連詞開端的句子,以是致使這個句子fragment,缺乏謂語動詞,縱向比擬選項,是謂語動詞的只有E。

  例:OG –TEST2-9

  9. Legendary nineteenth-century endurance rider Frank T. Hopkins, who rode an. American mustang to victory in a 3,000-mile race across the Arabian Desert, and the hero of the Disney movie Hidalgo.


  (B)and who has become

  (C)also has become


  (E)having been

  剖析:這個句子看起來很長,然則剖析完句子構造後就很清楚了,S ,…, and … .很顯著,句子缺乏謂語,以是劃線部門得是一個謂語動詞,選項中是謂語的是C,D兩個選項,這個句子便是在描寫Frank T. Hopkins,以是一樣平常如今時D選項準確。

  例:OG –TEST3-2

  2. H. Ford Douglas, one of the few Black soldiers in White regiments during the early part of the Civil War, and eventually to recruit and command his own unit

  (A)and eventually to recruit and command his own unit

  (B)eventually recruited and commanded his own unit

  (C)he eventually recruited and commanded his own unit

  (0) he eventually had his own unit that he recruited and commanded

  (E) having eventually recruited and commanded his own unit

  剖析:這句話,構造是“主語,同位語,and to do”的情勢,而主語是沒有謂語的,以是這個句子破裂,縱向比擬選項,在劃線部門開端之處須要給主語一個謂語動詞,謎底便是B,以是準確的構造是:主語,同位語,謂語···”。

  例:OG –TEST4-3

  3. Pearl Buck, one of the most popular writers of her day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China.

  (A)day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China

  (B)day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, which she won in 1938 for her novels about China

  (C)day, and she won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China

  (D)day, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China

  (E)day, her novels about China bringing her the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938

  剖析:句子主語. Pearl Buck,背面逗號逗號間是同位語對主語的潤飾,劃線部門wining不是謂語,造成句子破裂,以是謎底可以選出D,謂語動詞won和主語Pearl Buck組成一套主謂構造,句子完全。