
2015/10/20 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  10月20日口譯文章:《胡潤百富榜》 中國巨富人數首超美國

  依據最新的《胡潤百富榜》(Hurun Rich List),中國已代替美國成為身家10億美元以上財主至多的國度,房地產富翁王健林代替阿裏巴巴(Alibaba)開創人馬雲(Jack Ma)成為中國要地本地首富。

  王健林還代替香港富翁李嘉誠(Li Ka-shing)成為大中華地域首富。依據《胡潤百富榜》的數據,61歲的王健林身家達344億美元,比客歲增加52%,李嘉誠為327億美元,馬雲為227億美元。王健林曾在2013年景為中國要地本地首富,但客歲將這一稱呼拱手讓與馬雲。



  萬達貿易地產(Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties)是王健林旗下的貿易地產營業,客歲12月在香港上市。他的院線營業本年1月在上海上市。胡潤表現,院線營業增加占王健林新增財產的很大一部門。


  2015年,馬雲的財產縮水2.2%,緣故原由是阿裏巴巴在紐約上市的股票下挫,但螞蟻金服(Ant Financial Services Group)的代價增加贊助抵消了部門財產縮水。螞蟻金服包含在線付出平台付出寶(Alipay)。



  不計繼續而來的財產,有6位身家十億美元的財主是“80後”,包含35歲的大疆立異(DJI Innovations)首席履行官汪滔(Frank Wang),他具有34億美元財產。在排名前十的富豪中,44歲的交際媒體團體騰訊控股(Tencent Holdings)開創人馬化騰(Pony Ma)最為年青,他的總財產為188億美元。

  女性占該排行榜富豪數目的21%,排名最靠前的是觸摸屏制作商藍思科技(Lens Technology)開創人周群飛,她排名第17位,財產為178億美元。


  China has overtaken the US as home to the most dollar billionaires, according to the latest Hurun Rich List, with real estate tycoon Wang Jianlin overtaking Alibaba founder Jack Ma as the mainland’s wealthiest person.

  Mr Wang also overtook Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing as the richest person in Greater China. Hurun values Mr Wang, 61, at $34.4bn, up 52 per cent from a year earlier, versus $32.7bn for Mr Li and $22.7bn for Mr Ma. Mr Wang topped the mainland list in 2013 but lost the title to Mr Ma last year.

  China added 242 dollar billionaires in 2015, bringing its total to 596, against 537 in the US, according to the annual ranking of China’s wealthy. If Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are included, the Greater China total reaches 715.

  Much of this wealth is on paper and comes from vast stakes in companies the billionaires founded. The value of these stakes has been hugely volatile as the Chinese stock market whipsawed earlier this year. The Hurun report is based on equity values on August 14, since then the Shanghai Composite Index has fallen 16 per cent .

  Dalian Wanda Group, the commercial-property arm of Mr Wang’s company, listed in Hong Kong in December, while his cinema chain debuted in Shanghai in January. Growth in his cinema empire accounted for the bulk of Mr Wang’s wealth gains, Hurun said.

  As China’s property market cools, Mr Wang has diversified into media, tourism, and finance. Hurun said that only half of his wealth came from property in 2015, versus 90 per cent five years ago.

  Mr Ma’s wealth fell 2.2 per cent in 2015 as Alibaba’s New York-listed shares slumped, but gains in the value of Ant Financial Services Group, which includes online payment platform Alipay, helped buffer losses.

  Despite the slowing economy, the number of people on the overall rich list — which claims to track anyone with at least Rmb2bn ($315m) in wealth — rose by 680 to 1,877 in 2015, the largest yearly increase on record and up from a gain of 343 names last year. The cut-off to make the top 10 was $10.2bn, up 44 per cent from last year. For the top 100, the cut-off was $3.2bn, triple the level of five years ago.

  Information technology was the fastest-growing source of wealth, with the number of IT-related names rising 43 per cent over 2014 to 210. But manufacturing and real estate remain the two biggest sources of wealth for the super-rich, accounting for 28 per cent and 16 per cent of names respectively. Real estate also accounts for five of the top ten, including Mr Wang.

  Excluding inherited wealth, six dollar billionaires were born in the 1980s, including Frank Wang, 35, of DJI Innovations with $3.4bn. Pony Ma, 44, founder of social media group Tencent Holdings, is the youngest in the top 10, with $18.8bn.

  Women accounted for 21 per cent of the list’s members, and are led by Zhou Qunfei, founder of touchscreen maker Lens Technology, who ranks 17th with $17.8bn.