gmat 750分考生備考心得分享

2015/11/04 瀏覽次數:11 收藏

  網gmat測驗頻道下面經由過程實例簡略地先容一名gmat 750分大牛在備考gmat邏輯時總結出的適用解題技能,考生可據此舉行針對性的演習,控制並靈巧應用gmat邏輯的解題辦法,從而在短時間內進步gmat邏輯的測驗成就。

  這一部門我比擬有自負,剛開端做OG12準確率在75%上下,厥後細心剖析了一下,然後做OG verbal就上升到了90%。然後持續總結,比及做prep時刻就錯的很少了,再厥後做GWD時我CR部門根本上不會錯。總結的辦法以下:

  在做題的時刻將做錯的,有困惑的,準確謎底比擬獨特的依照幾類分一下,我的分法是:support/weaken/evaluate為一類,assumption/must be true/conclusion為一類,其他全部題型(如填空,flaw,etc.)為一類。(或將他們再細分,總之依照本身愛好的方法都行)分類部不是簡略的將整道標題完整放上去,而是將有特色的選項放上去,那些一看便是錯的選項就能夠直接疏忽(上面語法部門也是同樣,i.e.將那些本身已明確的選項剔出),然後重復讀,領會。重中之重是OG的說明必定要細看,在GWD,prep上碰到有困惑的題了必定要回到OG上找相似的標題,看說明,懂得OG的思緒,比方:

  United States manufacturers currently produce most of the world's solar-power generators--most of which are exported to Europe.However, European manufacturers are emerging and probably will ultimately capture much of the European market.The United States government is funding initiatives intended to encourage use of solar power within the United States.If these initiatives succeed in increasing the demand for solar-power generators in the United States, United States manufacturers will probably maintain significant production levels, since __________.

  (C) just as European manufacturers enjoy certain competitive advantages in Europe, so do United States manufacturers in the United States

  (E) the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited


  The spacing of the four holes on a fragment of a bone flute excavated at a Neanderthal campsite is just what is required to play the third through sixth notes of the diatonic scale—the seven-note musical scale used in much of Western music since the Renaissance. Musicologists therefore hypothesize that the diatonic musical scale was developed and used thousands of years before it was adopted by Western musicians.

  Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the hypothesis?

  (E) The cave-bear leg bone used to make the Neanderthal flute would have been long enough to make a flute capable of playing a complete diatonic scale.

  (B) No musical instrument that is known to have used a diatonic scale is of an earlier date than the flute found at the Neanderthal campsite.(OG的說明:This also weakens the hypothesis, because it states that there is no known evidence of a certain type that would support the hypothesis.)

  從這個說明可以推出OG以為No musical instrument that is known大概the current market for solar-power generators in the United States is very limited應當直接去懂得而不是間接的去推想,便是說應當直接懂得is very limited.以是美國太陽能那題E錯在起了weaken的感化。

