
2015/04/14 瀏覽次數:23 收藏


  GMAT作文首段---(作者的結論/發起+作者得出這個結論/發起的邏輯+我認為這個AA是空話)留意:復述作者的結論邏輯的時刻只管即便應用一些調換詞和變更句式,不要照抄原題. e.g. In this argument, the author concludes/suggests that...To justify his claim, the author cites the facts that...Further examination reveals that this argument is indefensible in several critical aspects.

  中央2-3段---每段進擊一個邏輯點,GMAT測驗中要溪予以為只管即便把作者提出的每一個論點都進擊到,major reasoning errors花多點文字,minor的可以幾個放在一段寫,然則不得不寫,由於要表現邏輯的完全和周密性。

  在末了一段可以采取的GMAT測驗技能---總結全文,從新誇大一編這篇文章是顛三倒四!但後提出改良看法。e.g. In conclusion, this argument is fallacious unless more probable factors are considered and ruled out. To strengthen his allegation, the author must first prove that....Additionally, more convincing evidence should be provided to show that...