
2015/11/26 瀏覽次數:5 收藏


  Lying in bed would bean altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencillong enough to draw on the ceiling. This, however, is not generally a part ofthe domestic apparatuson the premises. I think myself that the thing might bemanaged with several pails of Aspinall and a broom. Only if one worked in areally sweeping and masterly way, and laid on the color in great washes, itmight drip down again on one's face in floods of rich and mingled color likesome strange fairy rain; and that would have its disadvantages… My proposal to paint on it with the bristly end of a broom has beendiscouraged—never mind by whom; by a person debarredfrom all political rights—and even my minor proposal toput the other end of the broom into the kitchen fire and turn it to charcoalhas not been conceded. Yet I am certain that it was from persons in my positionthat all the original inspiration came for covering the ceilings of palaces andcathedrals with a riot of fallen angels or victorious gods. I am sure that itwas only because Michael Angelo was engaged in the ancient and honorableoccupation of lying in bed that he ever realized how the roof of the SistineChapel might be made into an awful imitation of a divine drama that could onlybe acted in the heavens.


  1. In line 3,"apparatus" means

  (A) utensils

  (B) equipment

  (C) necessities

  (D) furnishings

  (E) accoutrement

  2. It can be inferredthat in line 8, "never mind by whom" refers to the author's

  (A) wife

  (B) agent

  (C) editor

  (D) landlord

  (E) roommate

  3. The author's tonein the passage might best be described as

  (A) realistic

  (B) idealistic

  (C) scientific

  (D) whimsical

  (E) educational

  4."Conceded" (line 10) most likely means

  (A) lauded

  (B) granted

  (C) rejected

  (D) ridiculed

  (E) condemned

  5. His primarypurpose of this passage is to

  (A) enable

  (B) amuse

  (C) inspire

  (D) instruct

  (E) distract


  這篇文章是1874年出身的英國作家Gilbert K. Chesterton所寫的,帶有一種典範的浪漫主義的顏色,但作者又不失理性的思惟,通篇文章充斥了作者理想和實際之間的辯論。

  文章開篇,作者就奇思妙想地提出當人懶洋洋地躺在床上時拿出一支柄夠長,能在天花板塗鴉的畫筆那該是一件何等美好的工作啊!(if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on theceiling.)

  但須臾就想到,那末長的畫筆絕對不是家裏的必備對象(This however, is not generally a part of the domestic apparatus…);但作者還未善罷甘休,他連忙想到了長柄畫筆的替換品:只要有些顏料和家裏的掃帚不就好了?(thatthing might be managed with several pails of Aspinall and abroom)。

  相稱故意思的作者,但若你認為作者真會如許做那就大錯特錯了,該籌劃未能實行重要有兩個緣故原由:其一,假如畫工欠好,那顏料可就要從天花板上淌下來咯(it might drip down again on one’s face);其二,作者的妻子,仿佛沒有準許她老公這突發奇想(My proposal to paint on it …..has beendiscouraged by a personde barred from all political rights.)。 好吧,看來作者是真的沒戲了。

  固然作者沒能完成在天花板上作畫的欲望,但作者明顯對本身的設法主意照樣充斥贊成,作者在文中說到:(Yet I am certain that it was from persons in my position ….for covering the ceilings of palaces and cathedrals with a riot offallen angels or victorious gods),便是從側面表彰本身這類充斥藝術理想的人材是可以或許提出在宮殿和教堂天花板留下絕代奇作的人,縱然像米爽朗基羅這種文藝中興的眾人也和作者同樣在不經意之間得到了轉變人類藝術行動的設法主意。





  文中作者寫道:My proposal topaint on it with the bristly end of a broom has been discouraged…作者提出用掃把在天花板作畫,被那人謝絕,那謝絕他的人必定是和他生存在一個屋檐下的人。






