
2015/12/07 瀏覽次數:9 收藏


  鏡報昨天報導,一位名叫Hope的女嬰固然才出身74分鐘就滅亡了,但她的怙恃Emma Lee和Drew Lee在曉得她的腎臟和肝臟細胞可以救人以後,選取募捐她的器官,這也讓他們從中獲得撫慰。如今這對伉儷願望司法能有所變動,以救濟更多人的性命。




  Emma和Drew曾有機遇可以選取流產掉Hope,由於掃描表現她是個無腦兒,縱然生下來也活不了。然則以前有一個叫Teddy Houlston的嬰兒生下來只活了100分鐘卻救濟器官救了人。遭到Teddy的故事的影響,伉儷倆也沒有廢棄Hope,將她生了下來。




  The Mirror told yesterday how Emma and Drew Lee found some comfort in knowing little Hope's kidneys and liver cells would save lives after she died just 74 minutes after being born. Now the couple want a change in the law that could save thousands more.

  Care worker Emma, 32, said: "Just one body can be used for so many transplants – hearts, lungs, even skin and corneas. Donating should be mandatory, not optional. Transplants don't only help the recipients. They help the donor's grieving family too."

  Drew, 51, added: "If becoming a donor was automatic millions more organs would be available. Under the current system healthy organs are going to waste."

  Wales introduced a law on Tuesday deeming all adults to have consented to donate their organs unless they opt out. This groundbreaking change is expected to increase the number of donors by 25%. Three people die every day waiting for a transplant.

  Emma and Drew were offered the chance to abort Hope when scans showed she had the killer birth condition anencephaly. But they continued with the pregnancy after being inspired by the story of Teddy Houlston who lived for just 100 minutes but saved lives by donating organs.

  Hope will be cremated on Tuesday. Today, Emma and Drew of Newmarket, Suffolk, faced the task of registering two births and one death.

  Emma said: "I had to bite my lip to stop myself from crying. Signing Hope's death certificate was the toughest bit."