
2015/12/16 瀏覽次數:3 收藏

  It may look all shiny and new, but your smartphone is probably one of the filthiest things you own. The amount of bacteria and germs it carries is disgustingly huge, which is probably why a Japanese company is targeting germaphobes with the world's first washable phone.

  The Snapdragon 410 processor, 5-inch android phone, called Digno Rafre, is all set to be released in Japan by tech company Kyocera Telecom this week. It's USP is that it's waterproof and soap resistant, so it can be thoroughly washed under running water. There's no risk of water entering the device because it's entirely sealed to keep water and bubbles from getting in. It doesn't even have a speaker, relying instead on a Smart Sonic receiver that transmits sound through vibrations on the phone's screen. The built-in 13MP camera is also waterproof.

  Apart from being washable, the phone is also ideal for kids, for people who are clumsy and keep dropping their phones everywhere, or like to take bathtub selfies. It even comes with a special rubber duck-shaped floating stand. To wash the phone, the company suggests gently rubbing soap foam all over it before thoroughly rinsing it with plain water. And, as an added bonus, there's no danger of scratching the phone, because its plastic back cover is supposed to be self-healing.

  Digno Rafre, which comes with 16GB storage, 2GB RAM, and a 2MP front camera is priced at ¥57,420 (about $467), but it isn't available for purchase outside of Japan. The company has announced no plans of releasing the gadget in foreign markets, but if interest is high enough, who knows?


  配備驍龍410處置器,這款5英寸的安卓電話,名為Digno Rafre,由京瓷科技將於本周刊行。它的賣點便是防水抗番筧,以是它可用自來水沖刷。水不會進入裝備中,由於它滿身計劃成完整關閉的,以防備水和藹泡進入。它乃至沒有發話器,而是經由過程智能聲波吸收器,經由過程電話屏幕震撼舉行傳輸。它內置的1300萬像素主攝像頭也是防水的。


  Digno Rafre配備16G內存,2G RAM,前置200萬像素,售價57420日元(約合2975國民幣),但只限於日本海內購置。該公司稱今朝沒有在外洋市場推出的籌劃,但若電話充足吸惹人,誰又曉得呢?