ACT測驗英語部門四篇文章75道試題考核門生在“用法與構造”和“修辭技能”兩個方面的才能。這兩個部門又觸及到標點,語法,句子構造,寫作技能,文章構造,體裁共六個方面的內容。如官方測驗綱目所描寫的:Six elements of effective writing are included in the English Test: punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, strategy, organization, and style. The questions covering punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure make up the Usage /Mechanics subscore. The questions covering strategy, organization, and style make up the Rhetorical Skills subscore.
13-15分數段門生只請求可以或許刪除與主題顯著不相幹的內容。delete material because it is obviously irrelevant in terms of the topic of the essay.
16-19分數段門生除能發明與主題顯著不相幹的內容外,還請求能為一個簡略目標選取單詞和短語,好比肯定一小我稱,界說一個根本術語,應用通俗的描寫性形容詞等。identify the purpose of a word or phrase when the purpose is simple (e.g., Identifying a person, defining a basic term, using common descriptive adjectives). 還請求能肯定一篇簡略的文章是不是辦事於一個刀切斧砍的目的。determine whether a simple essay has met a straightforward goal.
門生則請求能用一個單詞,短語或句子去殺青一個刀切斧砍的表述目的。好比說表達一種感到或立場。use a word, phrase, or sentence to accomplish a straightforward purpose (e.g.; conveying a feeling or attitude)
24-27分數段門生可以或許肯定一篇文章是不是辦事於一個特殊的目的。determine whether an essay has met a special goal 能用一個單詞,短語或句子去殺青一個較為刀切斧砍的表述目的。好比說凸起重點,說明一個概念等。 use a word, phrase, or sentence to accomplish a fairly straightforward purpose (e.g., sharpening an essay’s focus, illustrating a given statement)
28-32分數段門生可以或許用一個單詞,短語或句子去殺青一個不刀切斧砍的表述目的。好比說添加劇點大概是一個支撐性的細節,用蘊藉的辦法表達意義。use a word, phrase, or sentence to accomplish a subtle purpose (e.g., adding emphasis or supporting detail, expressing meaning through connotation)
門生則請求可以或許肯定一個詞,短語或句子是不是合適文章目的的龐雜目的和透辟懂得段落或文章的才能。好比說猜測作者對配景信息的須要。Identify the purpose of a word, phrase, or sentence when the purpose is complex (e.g.; anticipating a reader’s need for background information) or requires a thorough understanding of the paragraph and essay.
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