學俚語記單詞:turn up the heat

2016/01/21 瀏覽次數:19 收藏

  turn up the heat 加大壓力,以到達某個成果


  咱們小區的人一向請求鎮當局在這裏安一個攝像頭,捉住那些違規的司機,讓他們吃罰單,可一向沒有覆信。這個周末要開住民大會,恰好,咱們決議直接去會上示威!咱們這麽做,是為了:turn up the heat. Turn up the heat, 意思是“加大壓力,加倍盡力,以到達某個成果”。

  鄰人們決議,再也不悲觀期待鎮當局的回應,而是要劈面提出咱們的請求,直接討個說法! We're going to turn up the heat! 咱們要把請求提得更洪亮! 鄙人面這段話中,一名審查官要想打贏訟事,也得更強勢一些。我們來聽一聽:

  例句-1:The defendant in the murder trial hasn't had to answer many tough questions so far. It's time for the prosecutor to turn up the heat. If she can get more aggressive with the accused, she could get him to admit that he's guilty. Then the jury will be persuaded to convict him.


  假如表現“加大對或人的壓力”,要在turn up the heat, 的背面加之"on"這個介詞。好比,my neighborhood is planning to turn up the heat on our town government. 咱們小區預備加大對鎮當局的壓力。

  又好比,老板跟發賣員們說,假如你們不拉來更多的客戶,就等著被開除吧! 這個時刻,你就能夠說,the boss really turned up the heat on the salesmen! 老板可真是給發賣員們加了壓!


  例句-2:We were bowling really well for the first half of the game. But our opponents have been turning up the heat on us. They've been scoring one strike after another. We can't believe how competitive they've become. Maybe it's because they know they have to beat us in order to advance to the finals.

  這段話的意思是:原來,咱們在上半場保齡球競賽中打得挺不錯的,可厥後,敵手讓咱們感到壓力愈來愈大。他們一個接一個地打出全中的成就,咱們的確不克不及信任他們變得這麽難對於! 大概這是由於他們曉得,只有打敗咱們,能力進入決賽。

  本來是破釜沉舟,怪不得那末負責! 我也愛好打保齡球,不外是為了好玩,放松,假如, someone turns up the heat on me in bowling, 他人在打保齡球時非要和我一爭高低的話,那就把原來輕松的事弄得重要兮兮,欠好玩了。