
2016/01/25 瀏覽次數:8 收藏

  投資者需調低徊報預期 Markets in for slower and bumpier climb

  Markets favour clarity and while clarity seems easywith hindsight, it’s rarely as stress-free when looking ahead.


  It’s interesting how that can be forgotten — in particular at moments of transition formarkets and the macro economy. We are at a transition point currently and transitions arebumpy. As an investor, it’s important to determine the implications of being right or wrongabout a particular path. What should never be in doubt is the need for long-term money tostay invested.


  We have seen several strong double-digit-return years since the financial crisis. Higher thannormal returns become expected and they shouldn’t be. We’ve entered the later stages of theinvestment cycle and, in reality, it offers less clarity than investors have come to expect froman ageing bull market. The outlook is good, not great, and the risks have risen. Returnexpectations need to be managed lower.


  Global growth slowed last year, stalled by emerging economies. The US and China are thefoundation economies for sustainable moderate global growth. We do not believe that theUS or China will fall into recession in 2016. China falling into recession would, in our opinion, bemore damaging to global growth than a more aggressive path of Fed tightening.


  The US is furthest along in expansion, with Europe and Japan in recovery but clearlydisappointing in momentum. Emerging markets are recovering from a credit crunch and anoverextended investment boom. We have had meaningful debate about whether emergingmarkets will be the tipping point that stalls the global economy in 2016. While not our basecase, we remain concerned that there may be additional spillover effects from developingeconomies that can weigh again on global markets.


  Should commodity market rebalancing get worse, the non-linear effects of lower commodityprices may lead to a significant rise in financial stress, defaults and possible contagion. LatinAmerica, the Middle East and Africa stand out as ongoing concerns. Asia continues to lookbetter positioned to navigate the year ahead but we expect local currency markets to be agreat deal more volatile and pressured. Fed tightening and China’s response via currencydepreciation will be the drivers.


  It’s easy to point to the drumbeat for Fed tightening as the culprit behind challenging equitymarkets. In reality, high valuations, as well as disappointing sales and earnings, have more todo with it. While we are not overly concerned about current valuation levels, returns need tobe driven by earnings growth.


  Earnings dispersion remains an important driver of sector returns but the year ahead is goingto be more nuanced and company-specific. That should favour active managers.


  It is central to note that portfolio diversification becomes more important the later we get ina cycle — there is less of a value cushion to allow for being wrong. That puts greater emphasison the need for diversification of investment risk across a portfolio. Asset allocation, at itscore, is about measuring and managing investment risk. The further along in a cycle, the moreimportant it becomes.


  Investors should expect low single-digit returns from fixed income and, hopefully, mid-to-highsingle-digit returns from equity markets. Equity market returns will be driven by earningsgrowth and dividends. If earnings disappoint, valuations will be under pressure as investorsdemand a higher risk premium for a less certain earnings stream. That will lower returns. Alack of clarity is discounted by markets in the form of higher risk premia — whether widercredit spreads or lower equity multiples.


  Across portfolios we are overweight global equities and alternative investments versus fixedincome. Coming into 2016, the size of our equity overweight versus benchmarks is lower. Weare overweight developed equity markets, avoiding emerging markets for now and continue toinvest in hedge funds across portfolios that can own them. We currently hold no directinvestment allocations to commodities.


  Market and macro expansions tend to run longer and we believe we’ve entered the later stagesof the investment cycle, an important transition point. The path of least resistance formarkets is to move higher — but at a slower and bumpier pace.
