
2016/01/26 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

  HONG KONG —China’s gross domestic product grewat its slowest pace since 2009 in the fourth quarter, a development that is unlikely toreassure investors that all is well in the world’s second-largest economy.


  The economy grew at a 6.8 percent pace in the fourth quarter, official data released Tuesdayshowed — slightly slower than the 6.9 percent rate economists had forecast and the slowestexpansion since March 2009. For the full year, the economy grew 6.9 percent, just below thegovernment’s target.


  Investors have been on edge in recent weeks amid renewed turmoil in China’s stock andcurrency markets, the results of unexpected policy moves by Beijing.


  In previous years, when China’s economy was smaller and less connected to the rest of theworld, investors tended to shrug off such mixed signals. But the concern now is that misstepscould have global consequences, as the leadership in Beijing seeks to manage a precariouseconomic slowdown and curtail the country’s reliance on debt-fueled growth.


  “While China’s economy has become already very large, more complex, more private-sectordriven, and more connected to the rest of world, the governance structure, policycommunication, policy operation, and implementation have not changed much,” Li-Gang Liu,the chief economist for greater China at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, wrote inan email. “These mismatches will mean that more risks and shocks could originate from Chinaand affect the rest of the world in the coming years.”

  “固然中國經濟的總量已變得很大,構造也更龐雜,愈來愈由私營企業動員,與天下經濟的接洽也日益慎密,但當局構造、政策相同、運行與實行卻沒有太大的轉變。”澳新銀行(Australia and New Zealand BankingGroup)大中華區首席經濟學家劉利剛(Li-Gang Liu)在一封郵件中稱,“這些不調和將象征著中國大概會發生更多的危害和震撼,在將來幾年內波及天下。”