
2016/04/28 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  4月28日CNN聽力:美向敘利亞增派250名特種兵助襲擊極度恐懼構造 比利時布魯塞爾遭恐襲地鐵站周全規復運營


  Hi. I'm Carl Azuz.

  First up this Tuesday on CNNSTUDENTNEWS:Anincrease of U.S. troops.

  President Obama made the announcementyesterday.

  There are 50 U.S. troops currently in Syria.

  As many as 250 additional forces are on the way fora total of 300.

  Why this is significant?

  For one thing, it's an addition to the U.S.-led airstrikes against the ISIS terrorist group inSyria.

  The president says the Americas will be training and helping local forces who are fighting ISISand that the American troops will build on the momentum that the local forces have gained onthe ground in Syria.

  The critics say 300 U.S. troops isn't enough to effectively defeat ISIS and that the increasegoes against a promise that President Obama made in 2013 when he said no U.S. boots wouldbe on the ground in the fight.

  The White House says U.S. forces will not have a combat role.

  Trains are running again at the Maalbeek metro station in the capital in Belgium.

  Until yesterday, they've been shut down following terrorist attacks there ended the Brusselsairport on March 22nd.

  The bombings killed more than 30 people at the two sites, hundreds of others were wounded,the full reopening of the station is seen as another symbolic step toward healing.

  CNN's Erin McLaughlin takes us there now.

  She was reporting as the trains resumed to get a sense of how people are responding andhow victims and witnesses are coping.

  Today is the first day since the attacks the trains are stopping at this metro station.

  It was here after all on March 22nd that a suicide bomber blew himself up, killing 20.

  Passengers tell CNN that day, people were shockingly calm as they made their way to thedarkened tunnels to safety, memories that will haunt this country forever.

  And today, for these people, it's an emotional commute.

  It's rather to come here again because we are still thinking about the people who died here.

  What's just kind of going through your mind as you stopped at this train station and sort ofsee life go on?

  Well, it's strange. It's strange.

  You tend to look to all the other passengers, you know? It's strange.

  Strange to see the military patrolling in metro station in a European capital.

  Belgium remains under threat level three, meaning that an attack is possible and likely.

  People who visit this metro station are encouraged to leave messages on this white board.

  On Saturday, many of the victims' families as well as survivors visited the station.

  So, many of the notes you see here are from them.

  Down here, a family is mourning.

  A father, "A father first," it reads, "with love we'll never forget you."

  And then down here, poignantly, in Spanish, it reads, "Love for all, even for them for they knownot what they do."

  Support is very much an outpouring of love and compassion from people affected by thistragedy from around the world.

  Erin McLaughlin, CNN, Maalbeek Station, Brussels.
