
2016/05/05 瀏覽次數:4 收藏

  Two-plus years of a near-unbroken rally and amarket may perhaps be forgiven for a pullback —unless that market is in China, where the sharpestmonthly jump in bond yields since the rally beganhas prompted worries another mainland boom looksto be on borrowed time.


  Concerns about a rise in defaults, excess leverage and doubts about the likelihood of moremonetary easing has sapped investor appetite and overshadowed China’s massive bondmarket.


  A series of defaults and near-defaults by state-owned enterprises (SOE) have dominatedattention since SOE’s government backing had, until now, been considered a guarantee ofprompt and full payment. Last month. two SOEs missed scheduled bond payments, while athird suspended trading of its notes and warned it would struggle to make a payment duethis month.


  Rising yields, which move inversely with price, have deterred other borrowers, with corporateissuance halving to Rmb641bn last month from its rate in March, according to data from WindInformation.

  收益率(與價錢走勢相反)賡續上升令其他乞貸者退縮不前,萬得資訊(Wind Information)的數據表現,與3月份比擬,上月企業債券刊行量縮減了一半,至6410億元國民幣。

  Yields on benchmark five-year government bonds rose from 2.47 per cent at the start of Aprilto 2.8 per cent last week — a three-month high, and their sharpest one-month move sinceNovember 2013.


  Crucially, the difference or risk premium between government borrowing yields and those paidby low-rated companies widened to a four-month high, illustrating growing concern of hardlanding beckoning for the market.


  Bankers, however, play down the risk that defaults could cause a wider panic.


  “To me this is a healthy repricing that we’ve seen,” says Beng Hong Lee, head of China marketsat Deutsche Bank. “Look across China and for a long time defaults have been extremely low.That has resulted in mispricing of risk and the expectations that the government or a bank willcome to the rescue.”

  德意誌銀行(Deutsche Bank)中國市場營業賣力人李民宏(Beng Hong Lee)表現:“對我來講,咱們看到的是一種康健的從新訂價。縱觀整其中國,歷久以來違約案例極其少見,這造成為了危害的毛病訂價,並使得人們預期當局或銀行終極會脫手相救。”

  The upward pressure on yields has occurred as China prepares to open its bond markets tooutside investors via a new scheme that eases access. The mainland is already the third-largestdebt market in the world, with some $7tn outstanding, yet foreigners hold less than 2 percent. Bankers are sanguine that April’s storms will not deter the kind of long-term investmentBeijing is keen to attract.


  “The key to the move higher is that this is the repricing that everyone has been saying wasneeded and at the end of the process you will have a more attractively priced asset,” Mr Leesays. “After all, offshore investors aren’t going to come in if credit spreads go to zero.”


  Liquidity has also played a part in pushing up yields as improving economic data have promptedinvestors to scale back expectations for further loosening of monetary policy.


  China’s seven-day bond repurchase rate is considered a benchmark for liquidity in thecountry’s interbank money market, especially since the People’s Bank of China moved toconduct daily market operations, up from twice-weekly, earlier this year. Last week, however,the rate reached 2.7 per cent, a level not seen since the stock market rout in July last year.


  Zhou Hao, senior emerging markets economist at Commerzbank in Singapore, says: “Asactivity data are improving and inflation expectations are picking up due to rising food pricesand property overheating, the market expects less aggressive monetary policy easing.”


  Previous expectations of easier policy have also encouraged a build-up of leverage in themarket, which could have put some investors in precarious positions. Banks and otherinvestors have increasingly funded new bond purchases with short-term borrowing —essentially relying on PBoC cash injections to keep borrowing costs low.


  Monthly transaction volume in the repo market — short-term loans that use bonds ascollateral — has surged and now exceeds total bonds outstanding, a sign of the popularityof this trade.


  The risk for the market is that further rises in money market rates makes the tradeunprofitable and forces investors to unload their bond holdings en masse. Any further pickupof corporate bond defaults could similarly spark a rush to the exit.


  Analysts are keen to point out, however, that recent volatility appears to be mainly sentimentdriven. They say actual cash conditions remain relatively loose and the central bank has ingeneral still been injecting cash into the system in a sign that it intends to maintain ampleliquidity.


  Should the economy not worsen significantly or the PBoC change tack on liquidity, mostanalysts expect a stabilisation of China’s bond markets in the coming weeks. The one caveat,they warn: tax.


  As of this week repo deals will be taxed as part of broad tax reform affecting the servicessector centred on a shift from a turnover tax to one based on value-added charges.


  Officials say that in the aggregate, the reform will reduce the tax burden on services firms,but some individual business lines will see taxes rise. The impact on bond trading is especiallylarge, since traders say that in practice, the turnover tax was often not assessed at all.


  A bond trader at a city-level bank in Shanghai, says: “The tax issue is quite significant. No oneknows yet how big an impact it will have, but people are worried.”
