學俚語記單詞:with one hand tied behind one's back

2016/05/10 瀏覽次數:1 收藏

  下星期我要在家大擺筵席,請十多個同夥來用飯。我歷來沒給這麽多人做過飯,內心有點犯嘀咕。如果換成我媽,確定一點不怵。在她眼裏,給一眾人子人做飯不外是小菜一碟。就像英語中說的:with one hand tied behind one's back.

  With one hand tied behind one's back, 意思是把一只手綁在暗地裏,實際上是指做某事異常闇練,易如反掌。相似咱們中文裏說的“我閉著眼睛都能做!”

  預備十多個顧客的晚餐,對我媽媽來講便是這麽易如反掌的事, she can do it with one hand tied behind her back. 她閉著眼睛都能做! 生存中有各種各樣的達人,具有讓咱們愛慕的技術,比以下面這段話中的電腦妙手:

  例句-1:When my computer crashed again, I was almost resigned to buying a new one. Luckily, my friend Scotty came over. Within an hour, he got my PC running again, removed a virus and installed a new hard drive. It wasn't hard for him at all. In fact, he says he can fix a computer with one hand tied behind his back.


  咱們可以把如許的電腦人材通稱為computer geek. Geek指特殊愛好研究某種技巧或技能的人。好比,我有個同夥特殊愛好數學,他便是math geek, 數學妙手。那些讓我看了如墜雲霧的數學題,he can solve them with one hand tied behind his back. 他易如反掌地就可以做出來。



  例句-2:Some of my classmates agonize over their writing assignments for class. I don't understand what's so difficult. Simply gather good information, make an outline, create a first draft, then edit any mistakes. I can come up with a twenty-page research paper with one hand tied behind my back!


  咱們適才提到,中文裏說“閉著眼睛就可以做某事”,以形容對某事的闇練,英文裏則說, with one's eyes closed。怎樣,和中文的說法千篇一律! 好比,a computer geek can fix a computer with his eyes closed. 電腦達人閉著眼就可以把電腦修睦。