學俚語記單詞:work like a charm

2016/05/11 瀏覽次數:2 收藏

  上個周末我請同夥來家裏用飯,同夥一不當心,把紅酒灑在了我白色的地毯上,看著那片紅紅的印記,我心想,完了,只能換地毯了。可另外一個同夥卻不慌不忙地說,別擔憂,往臟之處撒點鹽,再用冷水擦洗,準能洗掉。我將信將疑,試了試,嘿! 還真管用! 這讓我想到一個習氣用語:work like a charm. Charm是“魅力”的意思,work like a charm, 指異常有用,好用。同夥告知我的除酒漬的小秘訣,便是it worked like a charm, 有奇異的功能,太好用了!


  例句-1:I don't believe in spanking my child or sending him to his room without supper. Instead, I put a drop of hot sauce on his tongue. It works like a charm. It's so effective that, when he starts misbehaving, I only have to remind him of the punishment I'll have to give him and he stops acting up almost instantly.


  這招我倒真沒據說過。不外曩昔許多人信任一句話:spare the rod and spoil the child,不打不可器。而如今的怙恃平日再也不體罰了,而是讓不聽話的孩子time out, 便是讓他坐好,自我檢查,相似關禁閉。許多家長發明,這個方法也有很好的後果。



  例句-2: Making our sales quotas every month used to be such a challenge. Then, we changed our system. Now we reward our sales associates for any increases in the amount of merchandise they sell to our customers. It's working like a charm. The store is more profitable than ever before.


  本來是這麽回事! 把員工的事跡和她們本身的福利掛鉤切實其實是匆匆使眾人盡力事情的好方法,在英文裏,有個詞叫, incentive,意思便是“嘉獎、刺激辦法”。