學俚語記單詞:worth one's while

2016/05/12 瀏覽次數:6 收藏


  可頭幾天我去她家聽了她女兒撫琴,的確可以說是有實質上的奔騰! 看來,辛勞找先生是沒錯的! 就像咱們本日要說到的這個習氣用語:worth one's while. Worth one's while, 意思是在或人或某事上花的錢、時光或盡力是值得的。我同夥的故事告知我,為了孩子,耐煩過細地挑先生是絕對值得的! It was totally worth its while!


  例句-1:Maggie was just hired as the VP of marketing. She got the position after meeting the company's CEO at a party a few months ago. Although she hadn't planned on going at all, it turned out to be worth her while. She couldn't be happier with how that casual encounter resulted in making an important business contact.


  這真是碰到朱紫了! 咱們常人很難有這類命運運限,以是要靠勤找機遇,盡力事情,自我晉升來得到奇跡上的成長,不外這些盡力固然也是worth their while, 很值得做的。



  例句-2:If I wanted to, I could change the oil in my car. But I'd have to go to an auto supply store and buy the oil, an oil filter, a special wrench and a bucket to drain the oil. Then, I'd need to find a place to dispose of the oil. When I consider all the money, time and effort I'd be spending, I realize doing the job myself wouldn't be wroth my while. I'd rather pay a mechanic to do the work for me at a garage.


  請機器師雖然省事,但美國有很多人是do it yourself, 也便是本身著手,DIY一族。他們圖的便是不省事,要享受親身上陣的興趣。