
2016/05/12 瀏覽次數:5 收藏




  Introduction: An effective argument

  Introductory paragraph(s) which sets the stage for both the topic and the author’s opinion

  Body paragraphs: Claims supported with evidence Each of the body paragraphs should contain a claim that is supported with evidence.

  Conclusion: restate and summarizeA sound and logical conclusion is needed to summarize the information contained in the body paragraphs and restate, at least to some extent, the author’s argument.

  在introductory paragraph(s) 以後應隨著最少三個支持性的body paragraphs. 每一個body paragraph段由claim和evidence組成。Claim是指的每一個段落的中間論點,即作者的概念,evidence支持claims。Evidence的範例通常為facts, credible sources 或examples.

  在理清晰文章的框架和脈絡以後,要做的工作便是剖析文章的修辭手段(literary techniques),即剖析作者若何應用修辭手段更好的向讀者轉達他的思惟。許多時刻,作者簡略粗魯的把究竟和概念出現出來大概不是感動讀者的絕佳辦法,為了讓讀者更大水平的發生共識,作者須要用一些修辭手段如比方,擬人,比較,誇大等來加強文章的沾染力。這些手段和咱們語文課上所學的修辭手段是同等的,詳細來說,最經常使用的修辭手段包含metaphor, simile, appeal to emotion, comparison/contrast, word choice, repetition, or propaganda. 這些修辭手段讓文章加倍活潑,更易讓讀者發生興致,更易沾染和鼓動讀者。每種修辭手段的目標性和指向性是相對於明白的,是以,咱們在這裏給眾人放送超幹貨的福利,咱們一路來用幾個最經常使用的修辭手段給眾人附上幾個例句,以便眾人參考一下這些手段的目標應當若何寫:

  The author uses simile and metaphor to allow readers understand a topic more effectively

  By utilizing effective word choice, the author can sharpen the point of his argument and adds to emotion.

  Embedded within the evidence is careful word choice, an appeal to emotion, and a cause/effect example.

  The utilization of an appeal to emotion helps the author to sympathize with his perspective.

  The author frames his argument by quoting authority, which adds credibility to his opinion.


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