
2016/05/19 瀏覽次數:8 收藏


  1. 2010.1 / S6. 2

  The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.

  (A) The chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools during an interview with a local news reporter.

  (B) The chair of the school board announced that two new elementary schools were planned to be built during an interview with a local news reporter.

  (C) The chair of the school board, during an interview with a local news reporter, announced a plan building two new elementary schools.

  (D) During an interview with a local news reporter, the chair of the school board announcing a plan to build two new elementary schools.

  (E) During an interview with a local news reporter, the chair of the school board announced a plan to build two new elementary schools.

  這道題目標A選項(即NO ERROR選項)從咱們常見的起點好比時態,主謂,搭配,大概簡練方面來看,仿佛沒有題目,乃至於同窗在倉皇的測驗時光中不假思考地選取它。固然也有同窗斟酌到B選項用被動語態違反了SAT語法平日情形下的簡練原則 ,C選項則是犯了plan doing的搭配毛病,而D選項是全部句子缺少動詞(Sentence fragment), 而E選項仿佛和A選項沒甚麽差異,只是換了下次序罷了。然則恰好是這次序的差別可以或許贊助咱們發明題目。仔細的同窗則會留意到,實在A選項的表達方法是有歧義的,可以懂得為:校董主席宣告在和本地記者會晤的時刻建兩個黌舍。這個從邏輯上來看固然是有誤的,兩個黌舍豈能在開會的瞬時就可以建成?是以必需將時光狀況提早,句子的意思才夠適當:在和本地記者的會晤會上,校董主席宣告籌劃將建兩座新黌舍。準確選項為E.

  2. 2011. 1/ S10. 1

  When I asked which of the children was his daughter, he pointed to a little girl feeding a duck in a blue dress.

  (A) feeding a duck in a blue dress

  (B) feeding a duck and was in a blue dress

  (C) feeding a duck, she was in a blue dress

  (D) in a blue dress who was feeding a duck

  (E) in a blue dress, she was feeding a duck

  當同窗們瞥見這句的題幹(a duck in a blue dress),不由會哈哈大笑起來,試想鴨子穿戴一件藍裙子,豈不是鵲巢鳩占了?是以咱們可以隨意馬虎發明準確選項為D,說明為:他指出誰人穿戴藍裙子正在餵鴨子的小女孩兒是他的女兒。原題中的in a blue dress放錯地位了,引發邏輯的不對。值得說明的是,B選項表達貧苦,並且連詞先後的動詞不屈行,C和E分離都是RUN-ON SENTENCE,是以都是毛病的。

  3. 2009.1/ S 10. 10

  When we were cleaning the garage, my sister and I found the old soccer ball in a dark corner we used to play with when we were young.

  (A) the old soccer ball in a dark corner we used to play with when were young.

  (B) in a dark corner from when we were young the old soccer ball we played with

  (C) in a dark corner the old soccer ball we used to play with when we were young

  (D) the old soccer ball in a dark corner, we used to play with it when we were young

  (E) the old soccer ball, having played with it when we were young, in a dark corner

  有了前兩題的履歷,咱們不難發明,原題題幹中的毛病了吧,句子的原意不難懂得,應為,當咱們清算車庫的時刻,我的姐姐和我在角落裏發明了咱們兒時玩的足球。然則原句的錯位潤飾(corner played)致使了句意釀成了“咱們兒時玩的角落”(play with corner),試想角落要怎樣去玩呢?其實謬以千裏。準確謎底為C選項,彌補一下,B和E句子構造淩亂羅嗦,主謂邏輯不分,完整違反SAT語法的規矩;而D是RUN-ON SENTENCE,測驗的時刻這種選項應快速跳過,直奔焦點選項。

  4. 2008.1/ S7. 3

  Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old movie stars did when perched on the back of his head.

  (A) Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old movie stars did when perched on the back of his head.

  (B) Chad wore his hat perched on the back of his head, just as his favorite old movie stars did.

  (C) Chad’s favorite old movie stars wore their hat perched on the back of their heads, Chad did too.

  (D) Perched on the back of his head, Chad wore his hat just as his favorite old move stars did.

  (E) Just as his favorite old movie stars did, perching their hats on the backs of their head, as did Chad.

  這題的癥結點在於perch這個行動的邏輯主語是誰。Perch 有“棲息於,座落”的意思,這裏即為簡略的“置於”的意思。原句中,perched的邏輯主語為Chad, 即說明為當Chad 戴在他的後腦勺上,人豈能站在本身的頭上?同窗們不由又笑了起來。咱們天然得悉,應當是帽子戴在頭上,perched以前潤飾的應當是hat, 相符此請求的只有B選項(wore his hat perched on the back of his head). C選項則是RUN-ON SENTENCE, D選項犯了和A選項一樣的毛病,E選項完滿是病句,主謂不清。

  5. 06.5 /S6. 9

  Professor Brand, who enjoys welcoming international students to her home on Thanksgiving, served the traditional turkey dressed in Pilgrim clothing.

  (A) served the traditional turkey dressed in Pilgrim clothing

  (B) Served the traditional turkey, dressing in Pilgrim clothing

  (C) Serving the traditional turkey and dressed in Pilgrim clothing

  (D) Dressed in Pilgrim clothing to serve the traditional turkey

  (E) Dressed in Pilgrim clothing and the traditional turkey was served

  原句的意思再次讓咱們啞然發笑,火雞怎樣穿上了朝聖打扮了呢?和咱們以前提到的“鴨子穿戴藍裙子”出題思緒千篇一律,潤飾錯了位。一樣平常而言,穿衣服的主語是人,即文中的Professor Brand, 他在戴德節穿戴香客服迎接列國門生,為他們端上火雞(serve在此處表現“供給,端上”,而並不是為火雞辦事)。是以準確選項為D. B選項的dressing用法毛病,應為dressed, C選項沒有動詞,E選項引入被動態,先後不工致。

  經由過程上述“錯位潤飾”的真題剖析,信任同窗今後碰到相似標題不會再步入出題者的圈套。要記著No garden without its weeds, 看似準確的語法題,實在玄機最深。有道是“不畏浮雲遮望眼,只緣身在最高層。”多演習多思慮,對真題多總結,天然能發明許多過人的地方。



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