
2016/05/20 瀏覽次數:5 收藏

  【友情類 + 概念類】

  Two people can become good friends even if one of them has more money than the other. 兩個經濟基本分歧的人可以成為宜友,是否定同?(2012年2月25日)



  1. Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships, do you agree? Use specific details and examples to support your opinion. 同夥之間的競爭平日對付友情有不良影響,是否定同? (2012年9月2日)

  2. The friends that you can have fun with are more important than the friends that you can get help from? 你愛好交可以給你帶來快活的同夥照樣可以贊助你的同夥? (2012年12月22日)









  1. 兩個可否能成為宜友,友情是不是能擔當住時光的磨練和財產無關,和性情有關,和閱歷有關。我的同夥五花八門,他們有些財力豐富,有些身居底層。也有一些和我同樣,身為人師,知足於念書寫作的生存。咱們友情的基本或是同舟共濟,或是高興交換,或是相互攙扶,或是安危與共。具有雷同的財產從不是我,也不是許多人,結交的準則。

  2. 兩人成為親信必定是有互相吸引之處。好比,窮爸爸和富爸爸的孩子成為宜友,大概便是由於他們都被相互身上的長處吸引,窮孩子愛好富孩子的自負,大方,樂觀,才藝。 富孩子愛好窮孩子的頑強,樸素,熱忱,勤懇。兩者成為宜友的一個堅固基本便是從對方身上發明的本身短缺的,然則,又是特殊觀賞的品德。我讀大學時,我班的兩個女士, 來自分歧的家庭配景(一個家道殷實,一個家道通俗),卻成為好友,大概就證實了我的態度。


  我認可,人們對付同夥的等待是分歧的。疑惑我態度的人大概說:物以類聚人以群分。經濟配景類似的人,某種水平上,加倍輕易成為宜友,由於類似的可安排收入會使他們的文娛方法類似,投桃報李的方法也會領對方覺得舒暢。 然則,如許的友情不必定是久長的。物資的快活一般為短暫的,名貴之物不是款項可以購置和權衡的,比方真愛,比方友誼。樂意和衷共濟,安危與共才是友情永久的動力之源。



  1. like-minded friends = congenial friends n 同舟共濟的同夥

  2. close friends = bosom friends = intimate friends n 親信;石友

  3. have deep pockets v 財力豐富

  4. come form humble background v 身居底層

  5. become very good friends v成為宜友

  點評:我曾找到一組形容石友的形容詞問美外洋教Jim 哪一個為絕佳,老外尋思的少焉說,We just use very good friends. 是以,文本創作中,文風樸實也是一種俏麗。托福寫作,推舉亮點辭匯和樸實辭匯搭配應用。

  6. similar disposable income n 類似的可安排收入

  7. to some extent v 在某種水平上

  8. the principle of making friends n 擇友的準則

  9. bear little relevance to v 和 …… 幹系不大

  10. …… might justify my stand v …… 大概就證實了我的態度

  11. maintain a harmonious relationship v堅持協調的幹系

  12. lifelong friends n平生的同夥

  13. confidence, generosity, optimism and talent 自負,大方,樂觀,才藝

  14. tenacity, simple, enthusiasm and industry 頑強,樸素,熱忱,勤懇

  15. sb are more likely to become bosom friends v 或人更有大概成為親信


  1. A sincere friendship is what every individual aspires after. 真摯的友情是大家盼望的。

  2. A life without a friend is a life without sunshine. 人生沒有了同夥就如同落空了陽光。

  3. People have been pondering, for many years,the connotation of truth friendship 人們許多年以來一向在思慮友情的真理。

  剖析:connotation n內在

  4. The journey of life will become smoother and happier if we can enjoy the company of our good friends. 如有石友陪同,人生旅途加倍順遂,快活。

  5. It is highly possible that two people owing different economic backgrounds can become intimate friends. 兩個經濟配景分歧的人成為宜友是極其大概的。

  6. They made friends with each other not because of similar economical background but due to respective personal charm. 她們成為宜友的緣故原由不是類似的經濟配景,而是各自是品德魅力。

  7. The most important thing about friendship is that you feel good when get together with your beloved. 對付友情而言,最主要的是你和同夥在一路的時刻,可以覺得很舒暢。

  剖析:your loved n你愛好的人

  8. A good friend is someone you feel comfortable when you get together 兩個在一路很舒暢,才是好同夥。

  9. There is nothing more joyful than enjoying the company of your close friends. 沒有甚麽比享受親信陪同更加速樂。

  10. Birds of a feather flock together. 物以類聚人以群分。

  11. People’s expectations differ greatly in choosing friends. 人們對付同夥的等待是分歧的。

  12. One of the best ways to keep friends is to mutually return the other in the same way. 最佳的維系友誼的方法之一便是投桃報李。

  剖析:mutually return the other in the same way v投桃報李

  13. Two people could become close friends even if one is financially richer. 兩人可以成為宜友,縱然他們的經濟配景分歧。

  拓展:one is financially richer = one enjoys a superior economic position 一小我加倍富有

  14. Even though financial differences might,sometimes, bring about some tension or uneasiness between two friends. 縱然經濟的差別,有時刻,會帶來同夥之間的一些重要和不舒暢。

  15. A sincere friendship cannot be undermined by factors such as money and social position. 款項和社會位置損壞不了真的友情。

  剖析:undermine v黑暗損壞

  16. Many friends are various,some have deep pocket,some come from humble background,Some are similar to me,earning a living as a teacher, reading and writing, contented with such a simple life. 我的同夥五花八門,他們有些財力豐富,有些身居底層。也有一些和我同樣,身為人師,知足於念書寫作的生存。

  17. The solid foundation of our friendship can be attributed to like-mindedness, pleasant communication,mutual assistance or the willing to share hardships. Possessing the same amount of wealth is never the criteria of choosing friends for me and many of my friends. 咱們友情的基本或是同舟共濟,或是高興交換,或是相互攙扶,或是安危與共。具有雷同的財產從不是我,也不是許多人,結交的準則。

  18. Tow children can become good friends because they are mutually attracted by the personal strength finding in the partner, even though they have different family and economic background. 窮爸爸和富爸爸的孩子成為宜友,大概便是由於他們都被相互身上的長處吸引, 縱然他們的家庭配景和經濟基本分歧。






  高分案例集錦 托福提分的不貳之選


  測驗公然課 百種免費課程會聚一堂!



  19. Materialistic pleasure is usually short-lived,thing of great value can never be bought or measured by money,such as true love or sincere friendship. 物資的快活一般為短暫的,名貴之物不是款項可以購置和權衡的,比方真愛,比方友誼。

  20. The willingness to go through thick and thin is what keeps friendship going permanently. 樂意和衷共濟,安危與共是友情永久的動力之源。