我家閣下搬來了一個新鄰人。這小我有著非常分歧平常的閱歷。幾年前,他騎摩托時產生車禍,受了重傷,暈厥了良久。大夫都認為他活不明晰。可他事業般地病愈了,如今險些和正凡人沒甚麽兩樣。他的這個故事,讓我想到一個習氣用語,那便是:against all odds.
Against all odds的意思是戰勝統統艱苦、出乎全部人的料想而完成某事。我這位鄰人原來已被大夫列為無藥可救了,然則,against all odds, his condition improved. 出乎全部人的料想,他的身材狀態竟然一每天好轉了。
例句-1:Imagine putting an address and stamps on a hammer or a lamp and mailing it. Or how about a plastic bag of dollar bills? As part of a test of the U.S. Postal Service, these and other items were sent to various destinations. Researchers never expected them to arrive. But, against all odds, the majority of the packages did!
例句-2: Not long after a US flight left New York City on January 15,2009, it ran into a flock of birds and lost engine power. Captain Sullenberger knew he couldn't make it to an airport. There was one option left. Most of the 155 passengers and crew held out little hope for survival. Yet, against all odds, 'Sully' safely landed the plane on the river below.
過後,沙林博格機長成為了豪傑,人們對他的鎮靜和賣力表現佩服。提及變亂,我想到智利礦難後被困井下69天的礦工們。原來,井下只貯存了至多夠吃3天的緊迫口糧,很難想像這些人還能在世出來。但是,against all odds, they were all rescued, and found to be in good physical and mental health. 在閱歷了重重艱苦後,他們居然得救了,並且身材和精力狀況還都不錯! 這真是事業!