學俚語記單詞:alive and kicking

2016/05/25 瀏覽次數:13 收藏

  前些日子,我家的小貓不曉得怎樣了,天天打蔫兒,也不吃器械。我帶它去看獸醫,大夫也說不出個以是然,吃藥也不見好。誰曉得,過了一段時光,小貓的精力頭又返來了,如今它已和本來同樣,吃很多睡得香,上竄下跳可調皮了。它如今的模樣讓我想到一個習氣用語,那便是:alive and kicking。

  Alive的意思是“活的”,kicking則是“踢”,alive and kicking的意思是“非常康健,朝氣蓬勃”。

  我的貓便是如許,實在它的貓齡也不小了,許多貓到這個年事都釀成了每天睡覺的老貓,但榮幸的是,my cat is alive and kicking, 我的貓照樣那末康健生動!


  例句-1:Born in 1922, Betty White starred in her own TV situation comedy in the 1950s. She became well-known on game shows, and won several awards for other funny TV roles in the 70s and 80s. Betty White hasn't retired. She's alive and kicking. As an actress, writer, and animal-rights activist, she remains very active and more popular than ever.





  例句-2:Ford Motor Company came close to bankruptcy only a few years ago. The good news is that the American automaker just reported a profit and expects increased sales in the months ahead. The critics who believed it was finished have been proven wrong. While there are clearly more challenges ahead for Ford, it's alive and kicking.


  願望福特公司情勢的好轉能給低迷的美國經濟帶來一些活氣,讓全部市場alive and kicking, 紅火起來。